我使用的是 spark 2.2.我想标准化固定大小数组中的每个值.
I'm using spark 2.2. and I want to normalize each value in the fixed-size array.
{"values": [1,2,3,4]}
{"values": [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1] }
现在,我使用的是 udf :
For now, I'm using a udf :
val f = udf { (l: Seq[Double]) =>
val max = l.max
l.map(_ / max)
有没有办法避免 udf(以及相关的性能损失).
Is there a way to avoid udf (and associated performance penalty).
我想出了我的 udf 的优化版本,它执行就地更新.
I've come up with an optimized version of my udf, which performs in-place updates.
val optimizedNormalizeUdf = udf { (l: mutable.WrappedArray[Double]) =>
val max = l.max
(0 until n).foreach(i => l.update(i, l(i) / max))
我编写了一个基准测试来检查 user8838736 提出的解决方案的性能.这是结果.
I've written a benchmark to check performance of the solution proposed by user8838736. Here are the results.
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] NormalizeBenchmark.builtin avgt 10 140,293 ± 10,805 ms/op
[info] NormalizeBenchmark.udf_naive avgt 10 104,708 ± 7,421 ms/op
[info] NormalizeBenchmark.udf_optimized avgt 10 99,492 ± 7,829 ms/op
结论:在这种情况下,udf 是性能最高的解决方案.
Conclusion : The udf is the most performant solution in this case.
PS : For those who are interested, the source code of the benchmark is here : https://github.com/YannMoisan/spark-jmh