




<TABLE   border="1" width="100%">

    <TR class="row0">
        <TD style="width: 30%"><strong>TITLE</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 40%">UNIQUE</TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%"><strong>BU Assigned</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%">REMOVED</TD>
    <TR class="row1">
        <TD style="width: 30%"><strong>Account Number</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 40%">TARGET INFORMATION</TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%"><strong>BU Logged</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%">REMOVED</TD>
    <TR class="row0">
        <TD style="width: 30%"><strong>3rd Party Reference</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 40%">REMOVED</TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%"><strong>Date Received</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%">REMOVED</TD>
    <TR class="row1">
        <TD style="width: 30%"><strong>Subject</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 40%">REMOVED</TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%"><strong>Date Logged</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%">REMOVED</TD>
    <TR class="row0">
        <TD style="width: 30%"><strong>Reason</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 40%">REMOVED</TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%"><strong>Last Action Date</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%">REMOVED</TD>
    <TR  class="row1" >
        <TD style="width: 30%"><strong>Status</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 40%">REMOVED</TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%"><strong>Date Resolved</strong></TD>
        <TD style="width: 15%">REMOVED</TD>


我正在搜索页面中的所有表,试图找到"UNIQUE"(我认为它应该在Row(0).Cells(1)中)后拉出"Target INFORMATION",但这给了我运行时错误91-对象变量或未设置带块变量.

I am searching through all the tables in the page, trying to pull "Target INFORMATION" after locating "UNIQUE" which i assume should be in Row(0).Cells(1) but this gives me runtime error 91 - Object Variable or With block variable not set.


However when i search through for Row(0).Cells(0) being "TITLE" the code will find the table and i can proceed happily. Anyone know a way around this? I have tried changing the cell number all the way to 10 just in case there were some empty cells that I didn't notice. Note: there may well be multiple tables where 0,0 has the same title the only unique field is UNIQUE which is obtained from my spreadsheet.



Worked out an answer and feel silly for not getting it straight away:

Dim tbls, tbl

    Set tbls = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")

    CR = Workbooks("My Book").Worksheets("My Sheet").Range("A" & RowCnt).Value

    For Each tbl In tbls
        If tbl.Rows(0).Cells(0).innertext = "TITLE" Then
            PCR = tbl.Rows(0).Cells(1).innertext
            If CR = PCR Then
            'my code inserted
            Exit For
            End If
        End If


Really annoying that it was this simple and no idea how I was unable to search directly for Rows(0).Cells(1) with my If statement.


Private Sub test()

Dim IE As Object
Dim RowCnt As Long
Dim CIS, AN, CR As String

RowCnt = 2

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True

Do Until Workbooks("My Book").Worksheets("My Sheet").Range("A" & RowCnt).Value = ""

CIS = Workbooks("My book").Worksheets("My sheet").Range("C" & RowCnt).Value

IE.Navigate "First part" & CIS & "Second Part"

While IE.Busy

Dim tbls, tbl

    Set tbls = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")

    CR = Workbooks("My book").Worksheets("My sheet").Range("A" & RowCnt).Value

    For Each tbl In tbls
        If tbl.Rows(0).Cells(1).innertext = CR Then
            AN = tbl.Rows(1).Cells(1).innertext
            Exit For
        End If

RowCnt = RowCnt + 1


End Sub


08-01 04:26