


Is there a PHP module that you can use to programmatically read a torrent to find out information about it, Seeders for instance?


我已经在一个曾经制作的小型网站中使用了这些功能.想想我是用一个名为OpenTracker的php bittorrent跟踪器找到它们的,但是找不到网站...

I have used these functions in a small website I made once. Think I found them with a php bittorrent tracker called OpenTracker or something, but can't find the website...

虽然您在torrent文件中找不到播种机.种子文件仅包含有关文件,哈希码和长度等的信息.还有一些我相信的跟踪器信息.您必须从跟踪器中获得多少个播种机等等.您可以在 BitTorrent.org 中了解该协议.我相信通信是经过编码的,因此您也可以使用这些功能.这意味着您只需要弄清楚要发送的内容就可以得到想要的东西.

You wont find the seeders in the torrent file though. The torrent file just contain info about the files, hash codes and lengths etc. And some tracker information I believe. How many seeders and such you will have to get from the tracker. You can read about the protocal at BitTorrent.org. The communication is, I believe, bencoded, so you can use these functions for that as well. Which means you just have to figure out what to send to get what you want back.


NOTE: I did not write these three functions. Like I said, I found them in the source of an open source torrent tracker. The functions are not commented, but the function names together with a print_r on the result of a torrent file you know the info inshould be enough to understand how to use them. I added some example code at the bottom to show how I used them. And they worked.

function bdecode($str) {
    $pos = 0;
    return bdecode_r($str, $pos);

function bdecode_r($str, &$pos) {
    $strlen = strlen($str);
    if (($pos < 0) || ($pos >= $strlen)) {
            return null;
    else if ($str{$pos} == 'i') {
            $numlen = strspn($str, '-0123456789', $pos);
            $spos = $pos;
            $pos += $numlen;
            if (($pos >= $strlen) || ($str{$pos} != 'e')) {
                    return null;
            else {
                    return intval(substr($str, $spos, $numlen));
    else if ($str{$pos} == 'd') {
            $ret = array();
            while ($pos < $strlen) {
                    if ($str{$pos} == 'e') {
                            return $ret;
                    else {
                            $key = bdecode_r($str, $pos);
                            if ($key == null) {
                                    return null;
                            else {
                                    $val = bdecode_r($str, $pos);
                                    if ($val == null) {
                                            return null;
                                    else if (!is_array($key)) {
                                            $ret[$key] = $val;
            return null;
    else if ($str{$pos} == 'l') {
            $ret = array();
            while ($pos < $strlen) {
                    if ($str{$pos} == 'e') {
                            return $ret;
                    else {
                            $val = bdecode_r($str, $pos);
                            if ($val == null) {
                                    return null;
                            else {
                                    $ret[] = $val;
            return null;
    else {
            $numlen = strspn($str, '0123456789', $pos);
            $spos = $pos;
            $pos += $numlen;
            if (($pos >= $strlen) || ($str{$pos} != ':')) {
                    return null;
            else {
                    $vallen = intval(substr($str, $spos, $numlen));
                    $val = substr($str, $pos, $vallen);
                    if (strlen($val) != $vallen) {
                            return null;
                    else {
                            $pos += $vallen;
                            return $val;

function bencode($var) {
    if (is_int($var)) {
            return 'i' . $var . 'e';
    else if (is_array($var)) {
            if (count($var) == 0) {
                    return 'de';
            else {
                    $assoc = false;
                    foreach ($var as $key => $val) {
                            if (!is_int($key)) {
                                    $assoc = true;
                    if ($assoc) {
                            ksort($var, SORT_REGULAR);
                            $ret = 'd';
                            foreach ($var as $key => $val) {
                                    $ret .= bencode($key) . bencode($val);
                            return $ret . 'e';
                    else {
                            $ret = 'l';
                            foreach ($var as $val) {
                                    $ret .= bencode($val);
                            return $ret . 'e';
    else {
            return strlen($var) . ':' . $var;


Some example usage:

# Read a file
$content = file_get_contents("file.torrent");
$content_d = bdecode($content);

# Check if bdecode succeeded
if(empty($content_d)) exit('Something is wrong with the torrent. BDecode failed.');

# Calculate info_hash
$info_hash = sha1(bencode($content_d['info']), true);

# Calculate length
$length = 0;
function add_length($value, $key)
    global $length;
    if($key == 'length') $length += $value;
array_walk_recursive($content_d, 'add_length');


10-16 05:31