本文介绍了BeautifulSoup HTML解析表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




从BeautifulSoup进口BeautifulSoup机甲=浏览器()URL =htt​​p://www.511virginia.org/RoadConditions.aspx?j=All&r=1
页= mech.open(URL)HTML = page.read()
汤= BeautifulSoup(HTML)表= soup.find(表)行= table.findAll('TR')[3]COLS = rows.findAll('TD')roadtype = COLS [0] .string
开始= COLS。[1] .string
最终= COLS [2] .string
条件= COLS [3] .string
原因= COLS [4] .string
更新= COLS [5] .string进入=(roadtype,开始,结束,条件,原因,更新)打印入口



 (u'Rt。613N(贾尔斯县),无,无,u'Moderate',u'snow或冰',u'01 /二千零一十分之十三10:50上午')


 &LT; TD标题=公路型级=ConditionsCellText&GT;保留时间。 613N(贾尔斯县)LT; / TD&GT;
&LT; TD标题=启动级=ConditionsCellText&GT;&LT; A HREF =conditions.aspx纬度= 37.43036753&放大器;长= -80.51118005#视图地图&GT;大石溪CK路; RT。 635E / W(贾尔斯县)LT; / A&GT;&LT; / TD&GT;
&LT; TD标题=结束级=ConditionsCellText&GT;&LT; A HREF =conditions.aspx纬度= 37.43036753&放大器;长= -80.51118005#视图地图&GT;客舱号法律公告;落基山的路; RT。 721E / W(贾尔斯县)LT; / A&GT;&LT; / TD&GT;
&LT; TD标题=条件级=ConditionsCellText&GT;中度LT; / TD&GT;
&LT; TD标题=理由级=ConditionsCellText&GT;雪或冰&LT; / TD&GT;
&LT; TD标题=更新级=ConditionsCellText&GT; 2010年1月13日上午10点五十零&LT; / TD&GT;


 (u'Rt 613N(贾尔斯县),u'Big石溪CK路;采用RT 635E / W(贾尔斯县),u'Cabin LN;落基山的路;; RT 721E / W(贾尔斯县),u'Moderate',u'snow或冰',u'01 /二千零十分之一十三10:50 AM)

任何建议或帮助是AP preciated,并感谢你提前。


 开始= COLS [1] .find('A')。字符串


 开始= COLS [1] .a.string


 开始= STR(COLS [1] .find(文= TRUE))

 项= [STR(X)对于x在c​​ols.findAll(文= TRUE)]

I am trying to parse information (html tables) from this site: http://www.511virginia.org/RoadConditions.aspx?j=All&r=1

Currently I am using BeautifulSoup and the code I have looks like this

from mechanize import Browser
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

mech = Browser()

url = "http://www.511virginia.org/RoadConditions.aspx?j=All&r=1"
page = mech.open(url)

html = page.read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

table = soup.find("table")

rows = table.findAll('tr')[3]

cols = rows.findAll('td')

roadtype = cols[0].string
start = cols.[1].string
end = cols[2].string
condition = cols[3].string
reason = cols[4].string
update = cols[5].string

entry = (roadtype, start, end, condition, reason, update)

print entry

The issue is with the start and end columns. They just get printed as "None"


(u'Rt. 613N (Giles County)', None, None, u'Moderate', u'snow or ice', u'01/13/2010 10:50 AM')

I know that they get stored in the columns list, but it seems that the extra link tag is messing up the parsing with the original html looking like this:

<td headers="road-type" class="ConditionsCellText">Rt. 613N (Giles County)</td>
<td headers="start" class="ConditionsCellText"><a href="conditions.aspx?lat=37.43036753&long=-80.51118005#viewmap">Big Stony Ck Rd; Rt. 635E/W (Giles County)</a></td>
<td headers="end" class="ConditionsCellText"><a href="conditions.aspx?lat=37.43036753&long=-80.51118005#viewmap">Cabin Ln; Rocky Mount Rd; Rt. 721E/W (Giles County)</a></td>
<td headers="condition" class="ConditionsCellText">Moderate</td>
<td headers="reason" class="ConditionsCellText">snow or ice</td>
<td headers="update" class="ConditionsCellText">01/13/2010 10:50 AM</td>

so what should be printed is:

(u'Rt. 613N (Giles County)', u'Big Stony Ck Rd; Rt. 635E/W (Giles County)', u'Cabin Ln; Rocky Mount Rd; Rt. 721E/W (Giles County)', u'Moderate', u'snow or ice', u'01/13/2010 10:50 AM')

Any suggestions or help is appreciated, and thank you in advance.

start = cols[1].find('a').string

or simpler

start = cols[1].a.string

or better

start = str(cols[1].find(text=True))


entry = [str(x) for x in cols.findAll(text=True)]

这篇关于BeautifulSoup HTML解析表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 03:39