我有一个用于链接到 iOS 应用程序的库的 .a 文件.我如何知道库的版本号?我不需要以编程方式执行此操作,我只需要手动获取一次即可.
I have a .a file for a library I'm linking to an iOS application. How do I know the version number of the library? I don't need to do this programmatically, I just need to get it manually once.
There is no common theme on how to encode a version number into a static library.
有时根本不存在.有时这是使用属于该库的标头完成的.有时它是使用返回此类信息的函数完成的.在某些情况下,静态库是伪框架的一部分,该框架包含一个可能包含正确版本号的 plist.
Sometimes there is none present at all.Sometimes that is done using a header that belongs to that library.Sometimes it is done using a function that returns such information.In some cases that static library is part of a pseudo framework which contains a plist that might contain a correct version number.
Remember, a static library by itself is not much more than a bunch of object files put into a file archive. There is hardly any additional information, not to speak of metadata.