本文介绍了你能在不调用 setState 的情况下强制 React 组件重新渲染吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



使用顶级 React.render 这已经是可能的,但是在组件中它不起作用(这是有道理的,因为 render 方法只是返回一个对象).


导出默认类 MyComponent extends React.Component {处理按钮点击(){this.render();}使成为() {返回 (<div>{Math.random()}<button onClick={this.handleButtonClick.bind(this)}>点击我


在内部点击按钮会调用 this.render(),但这并不是真正导致渲染发生的原因(您可以看到这一点,因为 {Math.random 创建的文本()} 不会改变).但是,如果我只是调用 this.setState() 而不是 this.render(),它工作正常.

所以我想我的问题是:React 组件需要有状态才能重新渲染吗?有没有办法强制组件按需更新而不改变状态?


在类组件中,您可以调用 this.forceUpdate() 强制重新渲染.


在函数组件中,没有与 forceUpdate 等效的内容,但您可以设计一种方法来强制更新useState 钩子.

I have an external (to the component), observable object that I want to listen for changes on. When the object is updated it emits change events, and then I want to rerender the component when any change is detected.

With a top-level React.render this has been possible, but within a component it doesn't work (which makes some sense since the render method just returns an object).

Here's a code example:

export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {

  handleButtonClick() {

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.handleButtonClick.bind(this)}>
          Click me

Clicking the button internally calls this.render(), but that's not what actually causes the rendering to happen (you can see this in action because the text created by {Math.random()} doesn't change). However, if I simply call this.setState() instead of this.render(), it works fine.

So I guess my question is: do React components need to have state in order to rerender? Is there a way to force the component to update on demand without changing the state?


In class components, you can call this.forceUpdate() to force a rerender.

Documentation: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/component-api.html

In function components, there's no equivalent of forceUpdate, but you can contrive a way to force updates with the useState hook.

这篇关于你能在不调用 setState 的情况下强制 React 组件重新渲染吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 02:33