


I'm using react native. Suppose I've this state:

persons: [{
  name: "Person",
  id: 0,
  value: "",
  percent: 50,
  messed: false
  name: "Person",
  id: 1,
  value: "",
  percent: 50,
  messed: false

我想更新 id 1 的百分比.我如何使用 this.setState 来更新?我可以每次都深度克隆人对象并更新它,但我需要做很多次,而且人对象无论如何都非常大,所以它的性能效率不高.

I want to update, say, percent of id 1. How do I do it with this.setState? I can deep clone persons object every time and update it but I need to do it a lot of times and the persons object is quite large anyway so it's not performance-wise efficient.


this.state.persons[id].percent = 0;


which seems not so react-ish. How do I go about this?


您必须更新整个状态,这与您正在执行的操作非常相似.但是,我建议不要使用 this.forceUpdate(),而是建议调用 this.setState({person: this.state.persons }).

You would have to update the whole state, pretty similar to what you're doing. However, instead of using this.forceUpdate(), I'd recommend calling this.setState({ persons: this.state.persons }).


What you may want to do is consider flatting out your persons into the state. You could do something like create a unique key for each based on their index. So, index of something like this:

const persons = getPersonsData();
this.setState({ persons });


const persons = getPersonsData();
this.setState(persons.reduce((result, person, index) => Object.assign(result, { [`person${index}`]: person }));

persons.reduce 位将获取您的数组并创建一个像这样的对象:

The persons.reduce bit will take your array and create an object like this:

    person0: {},
    person1: {},
    person2: {}


Then, each person will be flat in the state so you can just update it more directly. Not a huge difference, but depending on your use-case, could be worthwhile.


08-01 02:26