


my confusion related to this matter is that how we can use a previously created transaction? or in other words how many threads a transaction could be related to?


一个事务在 spring 中只能与一个线程相关.好吧,通过一些努力,您可以使它成为一个长期运行的事务,但这是一种反模式,afaik.

A transaction can be related to only one thread in spring. Well, with some effort you can make it a long-running transaction, but that's an anti-pattern afaik.

REQUIRES_NEW 表示每当程序流进入带注释的方法时,无论现有事务如何,都会启动一个新事务.

REQUIRES_NEW means that whenever the program flow enters the annotated method, a new transaction will be started regardless of any existing transaction.

REQUIRED 表示将重用现有事务,或者如果没有现有事务,则将启动新事务.

REQUIRED means that an existing transaction will be reused, or if there's no existing transaction a new one will be started.


08-04 07:10