我正在将GeoDjango与PostGIS一起使用.然后,我在如何查询postgres db表以获取5米范围内的所有数据方面遇到麻烦.
I am using GeoDjango with PostGIS. Then I am into trouble on how to query my postgres db table to get all data within a distance of 5 meters.
UPDATES1 我正在使用GeoDjango 1.2.7
UPDATES1I am using GeoDjango 1.2.7
我从此URL中找到了一些内容 https ://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/geoquerysets/#std:fieldlookup-distance_lte
I found something from this url https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/geoquerysets/#std:fieldlookup-distance_lte
Zipcode.objects.filter( poly__distance_lte =( geom , D (* m * = 5) ))
Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__distance_lte=(geom, D(*m*=5)))
But don't know on how to prepare the parameter and variables.
- 什么是 poly_distance_lte ?是功能吗?
- 什么是宝石?是一个变量?如何创建它?
- 什么是 D ?是功能吗?如果是, m 是 D 函数的参数名称吗?
- what is poly_distance_lte? is a function?
- what is geom? is a variable? how to create it?
- what is D? is a function? if yes, m is a parameter name of D function?
通常,此类查询的最佳PostGIS功能是 ST_DWithin() :
In general, the best PostGIS function for such a query is ST_DWithin():
eg. all customers that live within 1000 meters of shop #1:
SELECT customers.*
FROM customers, shops
WHERE ST_DWithin(customers.the_geog, shops.the_geog, 1000)
AND shop.id = 1
ST_DWithin will use the spatial index which you should have created and therefore outperform ST_Distance.
在Django中,似乎有一个名为 在 之内:
In Django there seems to be a corresponding filter called dwithin:
Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__dwithin=(geom, D(m=5)))
Backend SQL Equivalent
PostGIS ST_DWithin(poly, geom, 5)
D(m = 5)返回长度为5米的距离对象
D(m=5) returns a distance object of length 5 meters
geom is the geometry from which you want to calculate distances to Zipcode objects
dwithin() is the function used
poly is the geometry attribute of Zipcode objects
z = Zipcode(code=77096, poly='POLYGON(( 10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10))')