你好.在我尝试的任何项目(包括简单的Hello World)上按开始调试"时,Visual C ++ 2010调试器将挂起.当我按"Stop Debugging"(停止调试)时, Visual Studio挂起几秒钟,然后显示以下错误消息:
Hello. My Visual C++ 2010 debugger hangs when I press "Start Debugging" on any project I try, including a simple Hello World. And when I press "Stop Debugging" Visual Studio hangs for a few seconds and then shows the following error message:
"The Debugger was unable to terminate one or more processes:
[2880] test.exe:调试器仍附加到该进程,或者该进程当前未执行用于调试的代码类型."
[2880] test.exe: The debugger is still attaching to the process or the process is not currently executing the type of code for debugging."
However, if I run the application with "Start Without Debugging" it runs fine.
真正奇怪的是,这个问题毫无原因地显示出来.我只是关闭了Visual Studio,几分钟后再次打开它时,它无法运行我的任何应用程序.我已经尝试过重新安装和安装Visual Studio,但这不是 解决问题.
What is really strange is that this problem showed without any reason. I just closed Visual Studio and when I opened it again a few minutes later it couldn't run any of my applications. I've tried reparing and reinstalling Visual Studio but that doesn't solve the problem.
This is the second time this happens to me, the first time I solved it by applying a restore point to the whole system but I'd like to avoid doing that again. I suspect this problem may be caused by one of Windows automatic updates, but I'm not sure.
I need an answer to this problem fast because my project is on a tight schedule. Please help.
My system information:
PC: Laptop asus g72gx
操作系统:Windows 7 64位
Visual Studio 2010专业版
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Visual Studio 2010 Professional
如果删除文件夹"Visual Studio 2010",则会发现一些有趣的东西.来自文档"文件夹,Visual Studio可以一次运行我的应用程序,但随后它会自动还原该文件夹,并返回问题.我几乎可以确定问题所在 在文件"CurrentSettings.vssettings"内部位于文档\ Visual Studio 2010 \设置\"但我不知道如何解决.
I found something interesting, if I delete the folder "Visual Studio 2010" from the "Documents" folder then Visual Studio can run my applications once, but then it automatically restores the folder and the problems return. I'm almost sure the problem is inside the file "CurrentSettings.vssettings" located on "Documents\Visual Studio 2010\settings\" but I don't know how to solve it.
这篇关于VC ++ 2010调试器在“开始调试"处挂起.的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!