



我正在尝试将.c文件转换为ARM(对于Raspberry Pi2为ARMv7l),但是我找不到任何在线转换器,也无法理解其工作原理.以前,这些.c文件可在Windows平台上执行,因此无法在Pi的arm架构上执行.有人可以帮我吗?

I am trying to convert .c files for ARM (ARMv7l for Raspberry Pi2) but I could not find any online converter or understand how it works. Previously these .c files were executable in Windows platform and thus unable to execute on Pi's arm architecture. Does anybody can assist me in this?


任何c编译器都可以从C代码生成汇编代码,如果您的目标是专门为arm生成汇编代码,那么您将需要一个交叉编译器,例如 GNU手臂嵌入式工具链.

Any c compiler can generate assembly code from C code, if your objective is specifically to generate assembly code for arm then you'll need a cross compiler such as the GNU arm embedded toolchain.


For gcc on particular you just need to use the -S option when compiling, so the line looks something like:

gcc -S -source.c -o output.s


Of course you'll need to include any headers and include directories for it to compile.

如果您只是想交叉编译它,那么只需执行完整的编译组装和链接过程即可.实际上,取决于c代码的底层级别,它可能无法在pi 2上运行(但会编译)

if you simply want to cross compile it, then simply do the full compilation assemblage and linking process. Depending on how low level the c code is it's actually possible for it not to work on the pi 2 (but it will compile)


08-01 00:44