

通常在declartion.it时具有固定值的常量变量具有固定值不能更改但是在声明或构造函数时也可以使用无限变量,但是它会在程序执行期间更改变量。我想要两个varibles intaliztion.is它改变了吗




通常在declartion.it时具有固定值的常量变量具有固定值不能更改,但是在声明或构造函数时也可以使用无限变量进行内部化,但是它会在程序执行期间更改变量。我想要关于varibles intaliztion.is它是否改变

Generally constant variables intalized at the time of declartion.it has fixed value can not be change but radonly varibles intalized either at the time of declartion or constructor also but that is it change the varibles during program execution .i want about both varibles intaliztion.is it changed or not

please help me.

thank u.

What I have tried:

Generally constant variables intalized at the time of declartion.it has fixed value can not be change but radonly varibles intalized either at the time of declartion or constructor also but that is it change the varibles during program execution .i want about both varibles intaliztion.is it changed or not


void Main()
	Person p = new Person("Maciej", "Los", new DateTime(1968,1,1));
	Console.WriteLine("Person details: {0} {1}, age: {2}", p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.Age);
	p.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1970,2,12);
	Console.WriteLine("Person details: {0} {1}, age: {2}", p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.Age);

// Define other methods and classes here
public class Person
	private string sFName = string.Empty;
	private string sLName = string.Empty;
	private DateTime dDob = new DateTime(1900,1,1);

	public Person(string _FName, string _LName, DateTime _DateOfBirth)
		sFName = _FName;
		sLName = _LName;
		dDob = _DateOfBirth;

	public string FirstName
		get { return sFName; }
		set { sFName = value; }

	public string LastName
		get { return sLName; }
		set { sLName = value; }

	public DateTime DateOfBirth
		get { return dDob; }
		set { dDob = value; }

	public int Age
		get{ return DateTime.Today.Year - dDob.Year; }



Above code returns:

Person details: Maciej Los, age: 49
Person details: Maciej Los, age: 47


08-01 00:41