


I have running some tests on the MPI functions to understand how it works and have got a weird result with the MPI_Barrier: it does what everyone would expect if I use it in code like

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  <some code>
  <more code>


but when I call it from inside a loop i get random results. To be specific, I have the following test code:

#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, rb, rank, nprocs;


    printf("Itartion %d.  I am %d of %d. MPIBarrierRes: %d\n", i, rank, nprocs, rb);
  return 0;


When i run it with 3 tasks i randomly get:

Itartion 0.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 0.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 0.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0


which is waht i shall expect, or just the oposite:

Itartion 0.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 0.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 0.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0


Itartion 0.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 0.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 0.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 1.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 2.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 3.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0
Itartion 4.  I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0

谁能告诉我,如果有MPI_Barrier和循环之间的一些冲突? (我只找到警告避免使用在不同的任务不同大小的循环死锁。)

Can anyone tell me if there is some conflict between MPI_Barrier and loops? (I have only found warnings to avoid deadlocks using loops of different sizes in different tasks.)If there is one, what can i do to force tasks to wait for each other before starting a new iteration of the loop?If there isn't, what is wrong with this code?




It has nothing to do with your loops. There's no sequentialization of IO implied by MPI. If you need prints to come out in order, you'll have to explicitly send them to one rank, and print them all there.


08-01 00:35