


I have been working on a PowerShell script to keep our development process streamlined. I was planning on running it as a post-build event, but I'm having some trouble.


From the PowerShell prompt, the following works wonderfully:

PS C:\> ./example.ps1

但是,当尝试从 cmd运行时。 exe 如下:

C:\> powershell -command "&\"C:\path to script\example.ps1\""

脚本执行,但我从PowerShell返回一轮错误,主要包括 resolve-path 函数中的路径解析错误:

The script executes but I get a round of errors back from PowerShell, consisting mostly of path resolution errors from the resolve-path function:

解析路径:找不到路径'C:\Documents和Settings\bdunbar \ My Documents
\Visual Studio 2008 \Projects\CgmFamilyComm\FamilyComm\familycomm,因为它做了
在C:\Documents和Settings\bdunbar\ My Documents \Visual Studio 2008 \Projects\C
gmFamilyComm\scripts\cms.ps1:5 char:27
+ $ vdirpath =(resolve-path<<<< ... / familycomm).path

Resolve-Path : Cannot find path 'C:\Documents and Settings\bdunbar\My Documents \Visual Studio 2008\Projects\CgmFamilyComm\FamilyComm\familycomm' because it do es not exist. At C:\Documents and Settings\bdunbar\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\C gmFamilyComm\scripts\cms.ps1:5 char:27 + $vdirpath = (resolve-path <<<< ../familycomm).path

一种解决这个问题的方法?可能是在 cmd.exe 下运行 resolve-path 的问题?

Is there a way to work around this? Could it be an issue with running resolve-path under cmd.exe?


I've been able to change things to get around the errors that are occurring, but I still receive errors that work perfectly fine from the powershell command prompt. I can't figure out what the difference is.


我已经做了这个工作在过去=http://sharepointpdficon.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/13092#300544 =nofollow noreferrer> http://sharepointpdficon.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/13092#300544 a>如果感兴趣):

I've made this work in the past (see http://sharepointpdficon.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/13092#300544 if interested):


Then throw these parameters in the first line of your post-build script (if you think you may be able to use them):

param($ ProjectDir,$ ConfigurationName,$ TargetDir,$ TargetFileName)


Also I should point out, I am not using this presently. I did like using it as a quick scratchpad to reload test data for running integration tests.


07-31 23:52