我希望正则表达式仅验证字母和空格.基本上这是为了验证全名.例如:Steve Collins 先生或 Steve Collins 我试过这个正则表达式.[a-zA-Z]+.?"但是没有用.有人可以帮助我吗附言我使用Java.
I want regex to validate for only letters and spaces. Basically this is to validate full name. Ex: Mr Steve Collins or Steve Collins I tried this regex. "[a-zA-Z]+.?" But didnt work. Can someone assist me pleasep.s. I use Java.
public static boolean validateLetters(String txt) {
String regx = "[a-zA-Z]+\.?";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regx,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(txt);
return matcher.find();
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验证名称是一个难题,因为有效的名称不仅仅由字母 A-Z 组成.
Validating names is a difficult issue, because valid names are not only consisting of the letters A-Z.
至少你应该对字母使用 Unicode 属性并添加更多特殊字符.第一种方法可以是例如:
At least you should use the Unicode property for letters and add more special characters. A first approach could be e.g.:
String regx = "^[\p{L} .'-]+$";
是 Unicode 字符属性 匹配来自任何语言的任何类型的字母
is a Unicode Character Property that matches any kind of letter from any language
这篇关于Java 正则表达式验证全名只允许空格和字母的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!