

本文介绍了在没有摘要循环的情况下解决 promise的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


AngularJS 承诺似乎与摘要循环相关联,因为在运行摘要循环之前不会调用成功/错误回调.这意味着任何使用 Promise 的东西,例如 $http 或手动创建的 Promise,也需要触发摘要循环才能运行回调.

AngularJS promises seem to be tied to a digest cycle, as in, the success/error callbacks are not called until a digest cycle is run. This means that anything that uses promises, such as $http or manually created promises, also need to trigger a digest cycle in order to get the callbacks to run.

是否可以在 Angular 中使用 promise,而根本不运行摘要循环?我意识到您可以使用 $applyAsync,它会在稍后安排摘要周期,但我希望根本不运行摘要周期,并且仍然拥有 then 回调运行.

Is it possible to use promises in Angular, without the digest cycle being run at all? I realise you can use $applyAsync, which schedules the digest cycle for a bit later, but I'm looking to not run the digest cycle at all, and still have the then callbacks run.


Essentially I'm trying to work out how to squeeze as much performance as possible from an app that would use a fair bit of asynchronous behaviour that would need promises resolved but not necessarily the digest cycle run.


不,目前不可能.每当 then 处理程序运行时,它都会通过 $evalAsync 安排回调,如果尚未安排摘要,则会安排摘要.

No, it is currently not possible. Whenever a then handler runs it schedules the callback via $evalAsync which schedules a digest if one is not already scheduled.

例外情况是 $timeout,它接受一个额外的参数来不运行摘要.另一方面 - 在同一轮中解决的多个承诺在同一个摘要上运行.

The exception to this is $timeout that accepts an extra argument to not run a digest. On the other hand - multiple promises that resolve in the same turn run on the same digest.

您的选择是:- 认真地直接使用 XMLHttpRequqest - 这不是很难.最大的缺点是它不会尊重拦截器和其他 $http 钩子(如模拟后端).- 将 $q 修饰为不通过 $evalAsync 进行调度或将 .thenNoDigest 方法添加到通过 setTimeout.- 在 $http 或 XHR 上使用用户空间承诺库而不是 $q.

Your options are: - Use XMLHttpRequqest directly, seriously - it's not very hard. The biggest downside to this is that it will not respect interceptors and other $http hooks (like the mock backend). - Decorate $q to not schedule via $evalAsync or add a .thenNoDigest method to the promise prototype that schedules via setTimeout. - Use a userland promise library instead of $q for $http or over XHR.

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07-31 23:09