

我们正在研究加强在提交给OCR前的图像质量的方法。该OCR引擎,我们目前正在利用来自Nuance的(V15)的ScanSoft公司的API。我们正在研究的 但之后决定到别处寻找铅的工具。与铅相关的工具的许可成本实在是太巨大。首先,我们正在寻找简单的图像增强功能,如:倾斜校正,去除斑点,线消除,冲孔清除,锐化等,我们正在运行的.NET和Java软件的组合,但Java的解决方案将是preferred

We are currently researching ways of enhancing image quality prior to submission to OCR. The OCR engine we are currently utilizing is the Scansoft API from Nuance (v15). We were researching the Lead Tools but have since decided to look elsewhere. The licensing costs associated with Lead Tools is just too great. To start with we are looking for simple image enhancement features such as: deskewing, despeckling, line removal, punch hole removal, sharpening, etc. We are running a mix of .NET and Java software, but java solution would be preferred.



Kofax is good for pre-processing, but for the types of cleanup you are talking about may be overkill unless the images are really bad. Unless your specialty is in image processing, I'd recommend working with a provider that does the image cleanup and the OCR so you can focus on the value you actually add.

我们从授权ABBYY( ABBY SDK )的OCR开发工具,并发现它是一流的为图像处理和OCR。 API是相当广泛,样本应用程序,帮助和支持,已超越IM pressive。我绝对建议采取看看。

We license the OCR development kit from ABBYY (ABBY SDK) and have found it to be superb for both image processing and OCR. The API is quite extensive, and the sample apps, help and support have been beyond impressive. I definitely recommend taking a look.


07-31 22:57