我希望能够使用Android上的 NfcA?
标签技术在MIFARE Ultralight EV1(MFOUL21)标签上设置和取消密码保护.
I would like to be able to set and unset password protection on a MIFARE Ultralight EV1 (MFOUL21) tag using the NfcA?
tag technology on Android.
我知道我会为此使用 nfcA.transceive()
I understand I would use the nfcA.transceive()
method for this, but I'm not sure what the arguments to that method would be, so could anyone provide code snippets to set and unset the password?
关于TapLinx库,我基本上希望 nfcA.transceive(...)
With respect to the TapLinx library, I would basically like the nfcA.transceive(...)
code snippets equvalent to:
为了使用MIFARE Ultralight EV1标签(或NTAG21x)的密码进行身份验证,您需要发送PWD_AUTH(0x1B)命令(并可能验证PACK响应是否符合您的期望):
In order to authenticate with the password to a MIFARE Ultralight EV1 tag (or NTAG21x), you would need to send the PWD_AUTH (0x1B) command (and possibly verify if the PACK response matches your expectations):
byte[] pass = { (byte)0x12, (byte)0x34, (byte)0x56, (byte)0x78 };
byte[] pack = { (byte)0x9A, (byte)0xBC };
byte[] response = nfc.transceive(new byte[] {
(byte) 0x1B, // PWD_AUTH
pass[0], pass[1], pass[2], pass[3]
if ((response != null) && (response.length >= 2)) {
// success
byte[] packReceived = Arrays.copyOf(response, 2);
if (Arrays.equal(packReceived, pack)) {
// PACK verified, so tag is authentic (not really, but that whole
// PWD_AUTH/PACK authentication mechanism was not really meant to
// bring much security, I hope; same with the NTAG signature btw.)
For MF0UL11, the password is on page 0x12 and the password-acknowledge (PACK) is on page 0x13 (configuration pages start at 0x10). For MF0UL21, the password is on page 0x27 and the password-acknowledge (PACK) is on page 0x28 (configuration pages start at 0x25).
In order to dynamically find out if your tag is MF0UL11 or MF0UL21, you could send a GET_VERSION (0x60) command:
int cfgOffset = -1;
byte[] response = nfc.transceive(new byte[] {
(byte) 0x60 // GET_VERSION
if ((response != null) && (response.length >= 8)) {
// success
if ((response[0] == (byte)0x00) && (response[1] == (byte)0x04)) {
// tag is from NXP
if (response[2] == (byte)0x03) {
// MIFARE Ultralight
if ((response[4] == (byte)0x01) && (response[5] == (byte)0x00) {
// MIFARE Ultralight EV1 (V0)
switch (response[6]) {
case (byte)0x0B:
// MF0UL11
cfgOffset = 0x010;
case (byte)0x0E:
// MF0UL11
cfgOffset = 0x025;
// unknown
Once you found the begin of the configuration pages, you can use a WRITE (0xA2) command to update the values of those pages (assuming you are authenticated with the current password otr the configuration pages are unprotected):
byte[] response = nfc.transceive(new byte[] {
(byte) 0xA2, // WRITE
(byte)((cfgOffset + 2) & 0x0FF), // page address
pass[0], pass[1], pass[2], pass[3] // new page data
response = nfc.transceive(new byte[] {
(byte) 0xA2, // WRITE
(byte)((cfgOffset + 3) & 0x0FF), // page address
pack[0], pack[1], (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00 // new page data (always need to write full page)
要启用密码保护,您需要配置需要密码的第一页(AUTH0,MF0UL11/0x25 MF0UL21第0x10页的字节3),并且需要配置保护模式(PROT,第7位,第7位).MF0UL11/页0x26 MF0UL21在0x11页上的字节0).
In order to enable password protection, you need to cofigure the first page that requires the password (AUTH0, byte 3 on page 0x10 for MF0UL11/page 0x25 MF0UL21) and you need to configure the protection mode (PROT, bit 7 of byte 0 on page 0x11 for MF0UL11/page 0x26 MF0UL21).
You would typically first read (READ (0x30) command) the old value of those pages, update the affected bits and bytes, and write the new value to the tag:
int fromPageNum = 4;
boolean enableProtection = true;
boolean enableReadProtection = true;
byte[] response = nfc.transceive(new byte[] {
(byte) 0x30, // READ
(byte)(cfgOffset & 0x0FF) // page address
if ((response != null) && (response.length >= 16)) {
// success
// NOTE that READ will return *4 pages* starting at page address
byte auth0 = (byte)0xFF;
if (enableProtection || enableReadProtection) {
auth0 = (byte)(fromPageNum & 0x0FF);
byte[] writeResponse = nfc.transceive(new byte[] {
(byte) 0xA2, // WRITE
(byte)((cfgOffset + 0) & 0x0FF), // page address
response[0], response[1], response[2], auth0 // new page data
byte access = (byte)(response[4] & 0x07F);
if (enableProtection && enableReadProtection) {
access |= (byte)0x80;
byte[] writeResponse = nfc.transceive(new byte[] {
(byte) 0xA2, // WRITE
(byte)((cfgOffset + 1) & 0x0FF), // page address
access, response[5], response[6], response[7], // new page data
这篇关于如何在MIFARE Ultralight EV1标签上设置和取消设置密码?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!