I am currently developing an IME which generate me a dynamic password based on my input.I used the sample SoftKeyboard in order to undertake this project.
When I need to type a password, I just need to change the Input Method and for now, it seems to be ok.
我的问题很简单.仅当InputType是类似(InputType = TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)的密码类型时,才有办法允许此IME还是当InputType是密码类型时,是否有一种方法可以指定特定的键盘(在本例中为IME)?
My question is quite simple. Is there a way to allow this IME only when the InputType is a password type like (InputType = TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD)Or would there be a method to specify a specific keyboard (in this case my IME) when InputType is a password type?
Nope. There's 2 things that control the IME. First, the user sets a single default IME for the phone. There is no way to split this up by type or anything else. Second, the app can request a specific IME for a text field. Usually this is done only if the app itself is providing that IME. There is no way for a keyboard to make itself the default, or for it to override the default for a type.