我们特别感兴趣的是Enter / backspace导致段落更改的情况(在段落中的最后一个字符的退格处输入和段落删除)。这对我来说似乎是一个错误,当删除键触发时,SelectionChange不会在退格键上触发
Hello all,
Our VSTO addin needs to know the current selection so we can sync our taskpane with current selection. We are using the SelectionChanged event to register our taskpane synch routine. The problem is that this event doesn't fire on Enter or backspace key.We are specifically interested in the scenarios where the Enter/backspace results in a paragraph change(para add on enter and paragraph remove on backspace of the last character in a para). It seems like a bug to me that SelectionChange wont fire on backspace when the delete key does fires it.
Is there any other workaround to detect this paragraph change state?