


I have a struct which looks something like this:

pub struct MyStruct<F> where F: Fn(usize) -> f64 {
    field: usize,
    mapper: F,
    // fields omitted

如何为此结构实现 Clone


One way I found by which I can copy the function body is:

let mapper = |x| (mystruct.mapper)(x);

但这会导致 mapper 类型比 mystruct.mapper 的类型。

But this results in mapper having a different type than that of mystruct.mapper.


您不能克隆关闭。实现 Clone 的唯一一个位置是编译器...而且它不是

You can't Clone closures. The only one in a position to implement Clone for a closure is the compiler... and it doesn't. So, you're kinda stuck.

这是一种方式:如果你有一个使用捕获的变量关闭,您可以通过 unsafe 代码强制复制。也就是说,一个更简单的方法在 点是接受 fn(usize) - > f64 ,因为它们没有捕获的环境(任何零大小的闭包都可以重写为函数), / code>。

There is one way around this, though: if you have a closure with no captured variables, you can force a copy via unsafe code. That said, a simpler approach at that point is to accept a fn(usize) -> f64 instead, since they don't have a captured environment (any zero-sized closure can be rewritten as a function), and are Copy.


07-31 19:51