





Hello, I have and I have to check if its in a particular format and print. But my code is giving out some runtime error.

here''s my code.This is a line from a file that has to b read:

bool ParseFile (CString const& line, CV3& point) const
 1)for a file which has string like this :="618.888,201.88"

 CString searchString;
 searchString.Format(_T("%%lf%s%%lf"), lineSepChar[seperator]);
//the %s takes the value from the seperator, say comma 
if(swscanf_s(line, searchString , &point.y, &point.x) == 2 )
// the point is a vector class and has 3 variables x, y and z
return true;
// this works fine 


But when for a string:

bool ParseFile (CString const& line, CV3& point) const
2)for a file which has string like this :="618.888,201.88,abcdefg,hijk"

 CString searchString;
 searchString.Format("%%lf%s%%lf%s%%s%s%%s"),s_lineSepChar[m_srcSep], s_lineSepChar[m_srcSep], s_lineSepChar[m_srcSep]);

 if(swscanf_s(line, searchStr, &pt.y, &pt.x, str1, 50, str2, 50 ) == 4 )
return true; 

但是对于第二个示例,str1和str2都采用"abcdefg,hijk"的值,并且返回值为false ...


But for this second example both str1 and str2 take the value of "abcdefg,hijk" and the return value is false ...

But if I change

swscanf_s(line, searchStr, &pt.y, &pt.x, str1, 50, str2, 50 ) == 4 


swscanf_s(line, searchStr, &pt.y, &pt.x, str1, 50, str2, 50 ) == 3 


The return value is true, its the duplicate values for str1 and str2;


struct airport_beer_data
        price_per_pint_in_pennies_( 0 ),
        heart_attacks_per_year_( 0 ) {}

    std::string airport_code_;
    int price_per_pint_in_pennies_;
    int heart_attacks_per_year_;

airport_beer_data read_next_beer_data( std::istream &str )
    airport_beer_data beer_data;
    std::string line;
    if( str )
        if( std::getline( str, line ) && !line.empty() )
            std::replace( begin( line ), end( line ), ',', ' ' );
            std::istringstream line_parser( line );
            line_parser >> beer_data.airport_code_
                        >> beer_data.price_per_pint_in_pennies_
                        >> beer_data.heart_attacks_per_year_;

    return beer_data;



No manual sizing of buffers, no fiddling about with format strings, woo hoo!

You can test drive it using something like:

std::istringstream input( "LHA,600,3000" );
auto first_data = read_next_beer_data( input );


auto first_data = read_next_beer_data( std::cin );


对于您的问题,您唯一需要更改的行是进行提取的行(以line_parser >>开头),这比摆弄scanf容易得多.几乎没有错误检查,但是不难坚持(老实,只需在提取后检查line_parser的状态).


if you want to enter test data directly from the command line.

For your problem the only line you''d have to change is the one that does the extraction (starts with line_parser >>), which is a lot easier than fiddling around with scanf. There''s very little error checking but that''s not hard to stick in (honest, just check the state of line_parser after the extractions).

So just say no to scanf and its mates, unless you''re programming in C.

if (swscanf_s (line, searchStr, str1, 50, str2, 50, str3, 50, doub1, chart1) == 7 )

将50替换为str1,... sttr3缓冲区的缓冲区长度.


Replace 50 with the buffer length of your str1, ... sttr3 buffers.

Now that you have shown more of your code, I see another problem. You can''t simply allocate a CString variable and use it as buffer. Instead use the following technique:

TCHAR str1 [50];
TCHAR str2 [50];
TCHAR str3 [50];
double doub1;
char chart1;
swscanf_s (line, _T("%[^,],%[^,],%[^,],%lf,%c", str1, 50, str2, 50, str3, 50, &doub1, &chart1)

这将为您提供该行的前五个值.如果要将str1 ... 3分配给可以的CString,例如:

That will give you the first five values on the line. If you want to assign str1 ... 3 to a CString that''s fine, for example:

CString s1 = str1;


There are other techniques with CString that would make it possible to have CString allocate the buffer for you, but they are still too advanced for your programming level.


07-31 19:43