

本文介绍了无限缓冲的printf - 格式化看跌直接流的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



my understanding is that most implementations of printf rely on something like

vsnprintf( _acBuffer[0], sizeof( _acBuffer[0] ), pcFormat, *ptArgList );


to actually handle the formatting and then they output them to the stream via puts.


Are there any implementation that minimize the size of _acBuffer[0] required while maintaining the ability to print all string?


printf("%s", pcReallyLongString);


您的想法是多AP preciated!

Your thoughts are much appreciated!


你的理解是错误的。我从来没有见过或printf 实现,首先格式化整个输出到一个临时字符串缓冲区工作听过的。通常printf的是周围的其他方法进行:基本构建块是 vfprintf vsnprintf 是一个包装创造假文件的缓冲区是目标字符串。

Your understanding is just wrong. I've never seen or heard of a printf implementation that works by first formatting the entire output to a temporary string buffer. Usually printf is done the other way around: the fundamental building block is vfprintf and vsnprintf is a wrapper for that which creates a fake FILE whose buffer is the destination string.

编辑:一些流行的(如的glibc)实现在某种程度上利用无粘结大型中间缓冲区为某些格式,尤其是宽字符转换,并且将失败未predictably当他们无法为缓冲区分配足够的内存。这纯粹是一个低质量的实现问题,但是,有没有根本的原因任何的的printf 函数应该要求比工作空间,无论他们是什么样打印的小恒量了。

Some popular (e.g. glibc) implementations do make some use of unboundedly-large intermediate buffers for certain formats, especially wide character conversions, and will fail unpredictably when they cannot allocate sufficient memory for the buffer. This is purely a low-quality-implementation issue, however; there's no fundamental reason any of the printf functions should require any more than a small constant amount of working space, regardless of what they're printing.

这篇关于无限缓冲的printf - 格式化看跌直接流的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 19:43