

假设我有大量数据存储在HDF5数据文件中(大小:20k x 20k,如果不是更多),我想使用Python从所有这些数据创建一个图像。显然,这些大量数据无法在没有错误的情况下打开并存储在内存中。因此,是否有一些其他库或方法不需要将所有数据转储到内存中然后处理成图像(如库:image,matplotlib,numpy等处理它)?

Say I have some huge amount of data stored in an HDF5 data file (size: 20k x 20k, if not more) and I want to create an image from all of this data using Python. Obviously, this much data cannot be opened and stored in the memory without an error. Therefore, is there some other library or method that would not require all of the data to be dumped into the memory and then processed into an image (like how the libraries: Image, matplotlib, numpy, etc. handle it)?



This question comes from a similar question I asked: Generating pcolormesh images from very large data sets saved in H5 files with Python But I think that the question I posed here covers a broader range of applications.



Allow me to clarify my question further: In the first question (the link), I was using the easiest method I could think of to generate an image from a large collection of data stored in multiple files. This method was to import the data, generate a pcolormesh plot using matplotlib, and then save a high resolution image from this plot. But there are obvious memory limitations to this approach. I can only import about 10 data sets from the files before I reach a memory error.

在那个问题中,我问是否有更好的方法来修补数据集(保存在HDF5文件中)到单个图像中,而不将所有数据导入计算机内存。 (我可能需要将这些数据集中的100个拼凑成一个图像。)此外,我需要在Python中完成所有操作以使其自动化(因为此脚本需要经常针对不同的数据集运行)。

In that question, I was asking if there is a better method to patch together the data sets (that are saved in HDF5 files) into a single image without importing all of the data into the memory of the computer. (I will likely require 100s of these data sets to be patched together into a single image.) Also, I need to do everything in Python to make it automated (as this script will need to be run very often for different data sets).


The real question I discovered while trying to get this to work using various libraries is: How can I work with high resolution images in Python? For example, if I have a very high resolution PNG image, how can I manipulate it with Python (crop, split, run through an fft, etc.)? In my experience, I have always run into memory issues when trying to import high resolution images (think ridiculously high resolution pictures from a microscope or telescope (my application is a microscope)). Are there any libraries designed to handle such images?


Or, conversely, how can I generate a high resolution image from a massive amount of data saved in a file with Python? Again the data file could be arbitrarily large (5-6 Gigabytes if not larger).


But in my actual application, my question is: Is there a library or some kind of technique that would allow me to take all of the data sets that I receive from my device (which are saved in HDF5) and patch them together to generate an image from all of them? Or I could save all of the data sets in a single (very large) HDF5 file. Then how could I import this one file and then create an image from its data?


I do not care about displaying the data in some interactive plot. The resolution of the plot is not important. I can easily use a lower resolution for it, but I must be able to generate and save a high resolution image from the data.


Hope this clarifies my question. Feel free to ask any other questions about my question.



You say it "obviously can't be stored in memory", but the following calculations say otherwise.

20,000 * 20,000 pixels * 4 channels = 1.6GB


Most reasonably modern computers have 8GB to 16GB of memory so handling 1.6GB shouldn't be a problem.


However, in order to handle the patchworking you need to do, you could stream each pixel from one file into the other. This assumes the format is a lossless bitmap using a linear encoding format like BMP or TIFF. Simply read each file and append to your result file.


You may need to get a bit clever if the files are different sizes or patched together in some type of grid. In that case, you'd need to calculate the total dimensions of the resulting image and offset the file writing pointer.


08-20 09:19