

本文介绍了无法将varchar转换为Presto Athena中的数组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



My data is in varchar format. I want to split both the elements of this array so that I can then extract a key value from the json.

Data format:

    "skuId": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",
    "unitPrice": 0,
    "id": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",
    "quantity": "1"

    "skuId": "182784738484wefhdchs4848",
    "unitPrice": 50,
    "id": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",
    "quantity": "4"


For e.g. I want to extract skuid from the above column.So my data after extraction should look like:

1 5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1
2 182784738484wefhdchs4848

投射到数组不起作用例如select cast(col as array)给出以下错误:未知类型:数组

Cast to array doesn't worke.g select cast(col as array) gives the following error:Unknown type: array


So I am not able to unnest the array.


How do I do solve this problem in Athena?


您可以结合使用将值解析为JSON ,将其转换为结构化的SQL类型(数组/地图/行),然后不规则的从数组中提取元素作为单独的行.请注意,这仅在JSON有效负载中的数组元素没有结尾逗号的情况下才有效.您的示例有一个,但已从下面的示例中删除.

You can use a combination of parsing the value as JSON, casting it to a structured SQL type (array/map/row), and UNNEST WITH ORDINALITY to extract the elements from the array as separate rows. Note that this only works if the array elements in the JSON payload don't have a trailing commas. Your example has one but it is removed from the example below.

WITH data(value) AS (VALUES
      "skuId": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",
      "unitPrice": 0,
      "id": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",
      "quantity": "1"
      "skuId": "182784738484wefhdchs4848",
      "unitPrice": 50,
      "id": "5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1",
      "quantity": "4"
parsed(entries) AS (
  SELECT cast(json_parse(value) AS array(row(skuId varchar)))
  FROM data
SELECT ordinal, skuId
FROM parsed, UNNEST(entries) WITH ORDINALITY t(skuId, ordinal)


 ordinal |          skuId
       1 | 5bc87ae20d298a283c297ca1
       2 | 182784738484wefhdchs4848
(2 rows)

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07-31 19:09