本文介绍了有没有针对8086 C编译器?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have an 8086 CPU emulator. It emulates only 8086 instructions. I am searching now for a C compiler to target this emulator with. Is there any C compiler out there that can do this?


Also, having a usable libc and such is not important to me. The emulator uses custom(ie, non-PC) hardware and therefor any libc or even ctr0 would probably have to be rewritten anyway


BCC - 布鲁斯的C编译器

BCC(1) - Linux手册页的:


密件是一个简单的C编译器产生8086汇编,除了编译器来编译时间选项允许80386或6809的版本。编译器理解传统的K&安培; R C与只是位域映射到其它整数类型之一限制

Bcc is a simple C compiler that produces 8086 assembler, in addition compiler compile time options allow 80386 or 6809 versions. The compiler understands traditional K&R C with just the restriction that bit fields are mapped to one of the other integer types.


The default operation is to produce an 8086 executable called a.out from the source file.


这是编译器选项/ 80x86的运行时间约定在(PDF链接):

From the description of compiler option / 80x86 run-time convention 0 in Open Watcom C/C++ User’s Guide (PDF link):


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07-31 19:02