本文介绍了OS X图标大小的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


OS X的应用程序图标和菜单栏图标的大小应该是多少?

What size should an application icon and menu bar icon for OS X be?

我可以处理小型分辨率显示器,但是Retina - 菜单栏上显示的图标(例如20 x 20)在新MacBook上会更小或模糊Pro与视网膜显示?

I can deal with small resolution displays but what about Retina - does an icon displayed on the menu bar (e.g. 20 x 20 ) will be smaller or blurred on a new MacBook Pro with Retina display?I reckon that the Application icon will be scaled, so if I'll prepare twice larger than regular it should be OK on Retina.




NSStatusBar icons (i.e. Menu bar icons) are different from regular app icons. I have not been able to find an NSStatusBar official icon guideline, but I have to believe that the Toolbar Icon guideline for buttons is pretty close. It suggests:

  • 创建测量不超过19x19像素的图标。

  • 使用黑色(根据需要添加透明度以建议
  • / li>
  • 使用抗锯齿。

  • 使用PDF格式。

  • 在视觉上居中在控件中(注意,视觉上

  • Create icons that measure no more than 19x19 pixels.
  • Make the outline sharp and clear.
  • Use a straight-on perspective.
  • Use black (add transparency only as necessary to suggestdimensionality).
  • Use anti-aliasing.
  • Use the PDF format.
  • Make sure theimage is visually centered in the control (note that visuallycentered might not be the same as mathematically centered).


  1. NSStatusBar似乎看起来最好的高度为18像素或更少。

  2. 虽然列出了PDF格式,但我一直在使用png。

  3. 如果你想让你的图标为蓝色,您需要将alternateImage作为图标的单独白色版本提供。


myStatusItem = [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar]statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
NSImage *statusImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"Status.png"];
[myStatusItem setImage:statusImage];
NSImage *altStatusImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"StatusHighlighted"];
[myStatusItem setAlternateImage:altStatusImage];
[myStatusItem setHighlightMode:YES];
[myStatusItem setMenu:self.myStatusMenu];

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09-02 07:31