


How do I test an app while in release mode? I tried ant release test, but it gave this error

 [echo] Running tests ...
 [exec] INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: id=ActivityManagerService
 [exec] INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: Error=Unable to find instrumentation info for: ComponentInfo{com.kizbit.speedyreader.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}
 [exec] android.util.AndroidException: INSTRUMENTATION_FAILED: com.kizbit.speedyreader.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner


I already copied the keystore to the test project.


I want to test while in release mode, because it saves a lot of state. If I re-install in debug mode, then I have to uninstall and re-install it, and that deletes all the state.


好,我找到了一种方法。请务必在AndroidManifest.xml检查包名测试包和路径你的测试类。出于某种原因,在清单的包名称为COM ....测试,而类/ tests目录没有。我不知道它是如何工作过,但它用于正常调试工作。

Ok I found a way. Be sure to check the package name in the AndroidManifest.xml for the test package and the path to your test classes. For some reason, the package name in the manifest was com....tests, while the classes were not in /tests directory. I don't know how it ever worked, but it used to work for normal debug.


To get it to test in release mode, you have to use ant release install test. I forgot the install. Also, test will always build the debug version of your app, so you have to manually go to the real app project directory, and run ant release install, which will install the release version. Then, go to the test project directory and run ant release install test. This will give an error


当它试图安装的实际应用,因为它已经与释放键安装。您可以忽略这一点。此外,你必须用亚行卸载COM ........测试删除测试项目的调试版本,以确保它不会给这个错误时,您尝试安装测试的发行版本。

when it tries to install the actual app, because it is already installed with the release key. You can ignore this. Also, you have to remove the debug version of the test project with adb uninstall com........tests to make sure it doesn't give this error when you try to install the release version of the test.


Also, you must copy the release.keystore file from the real project directory into the test project directory, and if you have your keys saved in ant.properties, you have to copy these entries into the test ant.properties also



Then it will test with the release version!


Just remember that since it doesn't install the actual app, you have to re-compile and re-install the release version manually from the app directory if you are changing things. Maybe there is a way to automatically build & install the release version by modifying the build.xml, but I haven't checked into that yet.


07-31 18:40