本文介绍了Android Studio 3.3 卡在项目设置中:从缓存中读取的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我用 NDK 创建了模块库.更新 Android Studio 3.3 后,在 Studio 上打开项目卡在构建项目上

I have create module library with NDK. After updating Android Studio 3.3, open project on studio stuck on build project


每次都需要无效并重新启动"android studio然后在studio工作之后.

Every time needs to "Invalidate and Restart" android studio then after studio working.

我尝试删除 .gradle 文件夹,但仍然面临这个问题.

I have try to delete .gradle folder but still facing this issue.

我该如何解决 studio 3.3 的这种错误行为?

How can I solved this misbehavior of studio 3.3?



I don't have enough reputation to comment so I'll post this as an answer.

  • 无效并重新启动之后,您是否尝试过构建->清理项目并重建然后再次同步?

  • After you Invalidate and Restart have you tried Build->Clean Project and rebuilding then syncing again?


Have you tried restarting your computer to turn of any processes that may keep caches from clearing?

您是否也尝试过升级 gradle 版本(在 gradle-wrapper.properties 中)?

Have you tried upgrading your gradle version as well (inside your gradle-wrapper.properties)?

您是否在文件 -> 设置 -> 构建、执行、部署 -> Gradle 中检查了 gradle 路径是否正确?

Have you checked if your gradle path is correct at File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Gradle?

您是否尝试过定位您的 gradlew 并执行 gradlew cleanBuildCache?

Have you tried locating your gradlew and doing a gradlew cleanBuildCache?

您是否尝试删除 C:\Users\{Your Username}\.gradle\caches 文件夹?

Have you tried removing the C:\Users\{Your Username}\.gradle\caches folder?

您是否尝试过完全禁用缓存构建(会减慢构建速度,不推荐)?为此,您必须转到 gradle.properties 文件并设置 android.enableBuildCache=false

Have you tried disabling cache building altogether (will slow down your build and is not recommended)? To do this you have to go to your gradle.properties file and set android.enableBuildCache=false

这篇关于Android Studio 3.3 卡在项目设置中:从缓存中读取的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 18:33