本文介绍了在哪里可以找到详细的 Apple App Store 政策?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



包括在哪些情况下申请被拒绝,以及 Apple 所占的百分比(广泛分布为 30%,但我在他们的网站上找不到提及).

Including under which circumstances applications are rejected, and how much of a percentage Apple takes (widely distributed as 30%, though I can find no mention of it on their site).




但是,严肃地说,Apple 尚未发布接受政策的明确指南.有时这似乎是武断和毫无根据的,有时甚至与他们提供的伪政策相悖.

To be serious though, Apple has not published a definitive guide to the acceptance policy. It sometimes seems arbitrary and unfounded and even sometimes contrary to what they have provided as their pseudo-policy.

来自 iPhone 开发者协议第 3.3 节:

From the iPhone developer agreement section 3.3:

使用此 SDK 开发的任何应用程序都必须符合这些标准和要求,因为 Apple 可能会不时对其进行修改:

Any Application developed using this SDK must comply with these criteria and requirements, as they may be modified by Apple from time to time:

API 和功能:3.3.1 应用程序只能按照 Apple 规定的方式使用已发布的 API并且不得使用或调用任何未发布或私有的 API.

APIs and Functionality:3.3.1 Applications may only use Published APIs in the manner prescribed by Appleand must not use or call any unpublished or private APIs.

3.3.2 应用程序本身不得通过任何方式安装或启动其他可执行代码意味着,包括但不限于通过使用插件架构,调用其他框架、其他 API 或其他方式.不得下载和使用任何解释代码一个应用程序,除了由 Apple 发布的 API 解释和运行并内置的代码口译员.

3.3.2 An Application may not itself install or launch other executable code by anymeans, including without limitation through the use of a plug-in architecture, calling otherframeworks, other APIs or otherwise. No interpreted code may be downloaded and used inan Application except for code that is interpreted and run by Apple's Published APIs and builtininterpreter(s).

3.3.3 未经 Apple 事先书面批准,应用程序不得提供、解锁或通过应用程序以外的分发机制启用附加特性或功能存储.

3.3.3 Without Apple’s prior written approval, an Application may not provide, unlock orenable additional features or functionality through distribution mechanisms other than the AppStore.

3.3.4 应用程序只能将设备上的数据写入应用程序指定的容器区域,除非 Apple 另有规定.用户界面和数据:

3.3.4 An Application may write data on a device only to the Application's designatedcontainer area, except as otherwise specified by Apple.User Interface and Data:

3.3.5 应用程序必须遵守人机界面指南和其他Apple 提供的文档.

3.3.5 Applications must comply with the Human Interface Guidelines and otherDocumentation provided by Apple.

3.3.6 任何形式的用户或设备数据收集,或图像、图片或语音捕获或应用程序执行的记录(统称为记录"),以及任何形式的用户数据,内容或信息处理、维护、上传、同步或传输由应用程序执行(统称为传输")必须符合所有适用的隐私法律和法规以及与此类相关的任何 Apple 计划要求方面,包括但不限于任何通知或同意要求.特别是,一个必须向用户显示合理显眼的视觉指示器作为用于指示正​​在录制的应用程序.SDK协议第5页位置服务和用户隐私:

3.3.6 Any form of user or device data collection, or image, picture or voice capture orrecording performed by the Application (collectively "Recordings"), and any form of user data,content or information processing, maintenance, uploading, syncing, or transmissionperformed by the Application (collectively "Transmissions") must comply with all applicableprivacy laws and regulations as well as any Apple program requirements related to suchaspects, including but not limited to any notice or consent requirements. In particular, areasonably conspicuous visual indicator must be displayed to the user as part of theApplication to indicate that a Recording is taking place.SDK Agreement Page 5Location Services and User Privacy:

3.3.7 对于使用基于位置的 API 或收集、传输、维护、处理、共享、披露或以其他方式使用用户的个人信息:

3.3.7 For Applications that use location-based APIs or that collect, transmit, maintain,process, share, disclose or otherwise use a user's personal information:

  • 您和应用程序必须遵守所有适用的隐私和数据收集法律有关任何收集、传输、维护、处理、使用、应用程序提供的用户位置数据或个人信息等.

  • You and the Application must comply with all applicable privacy and data collection lawsand regulations with respect to any collection, transmission, maintenance, processing, use,etc. of the user's location data or personal information by the Application.


Applications may not be designed or marketed for the purpose of harassing, abusing,stalking, threatening or otherwise violating the legal rights (such as the rights of privacy andpublicity) of others.

对于使用基于位置的 API 的应用程序,此类应用程序可能未设计或用于实时路线引导;自动或自主控制车辆、飞机、或其他机械装置;调度或车队管理;或紧急或挽救生命目的.

For Applications that use location-based APIs, such Applications may not be designed ormarketed for real time route guidance; automatic or autonomous control of vehicles, aircraft,or other mechanical devices; dispatch or fleet management; or emergency or life-savingpurposes.

应用程序不得使用任何机器人、蜘蛛、站点搜索或其他检索应用程序或用于抓取、检索或索引 Apple 或其许可方提供的服务,或收集用于任何未经授权目的的用户信息.

Applications may not use any robot, spider, site search or other retrieval application ordevice to scrape, retrieve or index services provided by Apple or its licensors, or to collectinformation about users for any unauthorized purpose.

3.3.8 提供基于位置的服务或功能的应用程序必须通知和在收集个人位置数据之前获得个人的同意,由应用程序传输或以其他方式使用.

3.3.8 Applications that offer location-based services or functionality must notify andobtain consent from an individual before his or her location data is being collected,transmitted or otherwise used by the Application.

3.3.9 应用程序不得禁用、覆盖或以其他方式干扰任何 Apple 实现的系统警报、警告、显示面板、同意面板等旨在通知用户正在收集、传输、维护用户的位置数据,处理或使用,或意图获得此类使用的同意.如果拒绝同意或撤回,应用程序不得收集、传输、维护、处理或利用用户的位置数据.内容和材料:

3.3.9 Applications must not disable, override or otherwise interfere with any Appleimplementedsystem alerts, warnings, display panels, consent panels and the like intended tonotify the user that the user's location data is being collected, transmitted, maintained,processed or used, or intended to obtain consent for such use. If consent is withheld orwithdrawn, Applications may not collect, transmit, maintain, process or utilize the user'slocation data.Content and Materials:

3.3.10 您的应用程序中包含的任何母带录音和音乐作品必须由您全资拥有或在全额支付的基础上以某种方式授权给您不需要 Apple 向您或任何人支付任何费用、版税和/或款项第三者.此外,如果您的应用程序将分发到美国境外,任何您的申请 (a) 中包含的母带录音和音乐作品不得属于在任何机械或表演/通信权利的范围内收集或现在或将来的许可组织,并且 (b) 如果获得许可,必须获得独家许可每个适用的版权所有者对您的申请.

3.3.10 Any master recordings and musical compositions embodied in Your Applicationmust be wholly-owned by You or licensed to You on a fully paid-up basis and in a mannerthat will not require the payment of any fees, royalties and/or sums by Apple to You or anythird party. In addition, if Your Application will be distributed outside of the United States, anymaster recordings and musical compositions embodied in Your Application (a) must not fallwithin the repertoire of any mechanical or performing/communication rights collecting orlicensing organization now or in the future and (b) if licensed, must be exclusively licensed toYou for Your Application by each applicable copyright owner.

3.3.11 如果您的应用程序包含或将包含任何其他内容,您必须拥有所有此类内容或获得内容所有者的许可,可以在您的应用程序中使用这些内容.

3.3.11 If Your Application includes or will include any other content, You must eitherown all such content or have permission from the content owner to use it in Your Application.

3.3.12 应用程序不得包含任何淫秽、色情、攻击性或任何类型的诽谤内容或材料(文本、图形、图像、照片等),或在 Apple 合理判断中可能被以下机构认为令人反感的其他内容或材料iPhone 或 iPod touch 用户.

3.3.12 Applications must not contain any obscene, pornographic, offensive ordefamatory content or materials of any kind (text, graphics, images, photographs, etc.), orother content or materials that in Apple’s reasonable judgment may be found objectionable byiPhone or iPod touch users.

3.3.13 应用程序不得包含任何恶意软件、恶意或有害代码、程序、或其他内部组件(例如计算机病毒、特洛伊木马、后门程序"),它们可能损坏、毁坏或对其他软件、固件、硬件、数据、系统、服务或网络.SDK协议第6页

3.3.13 Applications must not contain any malware, malicious or harmful code, program,or other internal component (e.g. computer viruses, trojan horses, "backdoors") which coulddamage, destroy, or adversely affect other software, firmware, hardware, data, systems,services, or networks.SDK Agreement Page 6

3.3.14 如果您的应用程序包含任何 FOSS,您同意遵守所有适用的FOSS 许可条款.您还同意在您的开发过程中不使用任何 FOSS以会导致 SDK 的非 FOSS 部分受到约束的方式应用任何 FOSS 许可条款或义务.蜂窝网络:

3.3.14 If Your Application includes any FOSS, You agree to comply with all applicableFOSS licensing terms. You also agree not to use any FOSS in the development of YourApplication in such a way that would cause the non-FOSS portions of the SDK to be subjectto any FOSS licensing terms or obligations.Cellular Network:

3.3.15 如果应用程序需要或将有权访问蜂窝网络,则另外这样的应用程序:

3.3.15 If an Application requires or will have access to the cellular network, thenadditionally such Application:

  • 必须遵守 Apple 的最佳实践和其他关于应用程序应如何处理的指南访问和使用蜂窝网络;

  • Must comply with Apple's best practices and other guidelines on how Applications shouldaccess and use the cellular network;

不得在 Apple 的合理判断中过度使用或过度负担网络容量或带宽;

Must not in Apple's reasonable judgment excessively use or unduly burden networkcapacity or bandwidth;

可能没有使用蜂窝网络的互联网协议语音 (VoIP) 功能.

May not have Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) functionality using the cellular network.

这篇关于在哪里可以找到详细的 Apple App Store 政策?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 07:31