我有一个手风琴,当你点击它时内容会下降,一切正常,但问题是,我有一个删除和一个添加按钮,我想点击它们而不触发手风琴.我怎样才能做到这一点?我使用 reactstrap 中的 UncontrolledCollapse ,它有一个切换器,它是元素的 id.
<li id={`toggle-catalog-item-${item.id}`}><a>一些手风琴</a><div className="icons"><div>+</div><div><垃圾箱图标/></div>
我有一个手风琴,当你点击它时内容会下降,一切正常,但问题是,我有一个删除和一个添加按钮,我想点击它们而不触发手风琴.我怎样才能做到这一点?我使用 reactstrap 中的 UncontrolledCollapse ,它有一个切换器,它是元素的 id.
<li id={`toggle-catalog-item-${item.id}`}><a>一些手风琴</a><div className="icons"><div>+</div><div><垃圾箱图标/></div>
<不受控制的折叠className =孩子"toggler={`#toggle-catalog-item-${item.id}`}>{menuItemChildren}</不受控制的折叠>
所有这些灰色背景都是我的 <li></li>
,它有一个 id 切换器,可以切换 UncontrolledCollapse 来显示所有嵌套项目.
我可以通过只让 <a></a>
有一个切换 ID 来实现它,问题是,我想点击图标之间的空格并拥有内容降低.所以我想要的是只让图标充当非切换器我尝试通过将 z-index:100
应用于 icons div
这是使用受控折叠的好例子.这样您就可以控制何时切换手风琴.在我下面的例子中,注意我对 stopPropagation
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false);const 切换 = () =>setIsOpen(!isOpen);<ul><li id={`toggle-catalog-item-${item.id}`} onClick={toggle}><a>一些手风琴</a><div className="icons"><div onClick={e =>e.stopPropagation()}>+
<div onClick={e =>e.stopPropagation()}><TrashIcon/></div>
<收起isOpen={isOpen}className =孩子"toggler={`#toggle-catalog-item-${item.id}`}>菜单项子项</收起>
I have an accordion, when you click on it the content drops, all works well, but the problem is, i have a delete and an add button, i want to click them and not trigger the accordion. How can i accomplish that? I use UncontrolledCollapse from reactstrap and it has a toggler which is an id of an element.
<li id={`toggle-catalog-item-${item.id}`}
Some Accordion
<div className="icons">
<div><TrashIcon /></div>
All of this grayish background is my <li></li>
that has an id toggler that will toggle the UncontrolledCollapse that will show all the nested items.
I can achieve it by making only the <a></a>
to have a toggle id, the problem is, i want to click on spaces between the icons and have the content drop.So what i want is to only have icons act as a non-togglerI tried doing it by applying z-index:100
to icons div
but it doesnt work.
This would be a good case to use the controlled collapse. This way you can control when to toggle the accordion. In my example below, pay attention to my usage of stopPropagation
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false);
const toggle = () => setIsOpen(!isOpen);
<li id={`toggle-catalog-item-${item.id}`} onClick={toggle}>
Some Accordion
<div className="icons">
<div onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()}>+</div>
<div onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()}><TrashIcon /></div>
Menu Item Children