

  • WPF应用程序,由顶部的文本框和下方的列表框组成
  • 用户在文本框中键入一个字符串以查找员工,搜索结果显示在列表框中
  • ListBox使用DataTemplates显示元素(显示员工姓名,部门,电话和缩略图.)
  • 在应用程序启动时,我查询数据库并检索所有要在ListBox中显示的员工和相关信息.它会一直保存在内存中.
  • 应用程序启动后,所有可搜索的数据都在内存中,并且搜索几乎是瞬时的.所有搜索均对内存中已存在的数据执行.
  • 使用DataTemplates将搜索结果显示在ListBox中.缩略图图片,姓名,电话,部门等显示在每个ListBox项中.
  • 启动时的内存使用量约为200MB.
  • 当通过新搜索或仅向下滚动列表框更改列表框中的数据时,内存消耗将增加.
  • 当用户缓慢向下滚动列表框时,内存增加更快.上下滚动时,内存迅速达到1GB.


There are is no code creating controls manually - everything is done via data binding.


Why am I seeing this behavior? What can I do to fix it? Please help!

更新:我发现问题不是内存泄漏.这里的问题是,列表框正在创建对象以显示员工的图像,并且在列表框退出窗口后不会为垃圾收集器释放对象. CleanUpVirtualizedItem事件按预期发生,但内存仍未释放.有什么想法吗?

UPDATE:I figured out that the problem is not a memory leak. The issue here is that the listbox is creating objects to display the images of the employee and is not releasing for the garbage collector after the listboxitem gets out of the window. The CleanUpVirtualizedItem event occurs as I expected but the memory is still not released. Any ideas?


冒着被glib感染的风险,内存泄漏.为什么不尝试使用 ANTS *这样的工具来进行跟踪.他们有免费试用版,我从未使用过,但它享有良好的声誉.

At the risk of being glib, you have a memory leak. Why not try a tool like ANTS* to track it down. They have a free trial, I've never used it but it has a good reputation.


*Other profiling tools are available.


If you don't want to get to grips with another tool, you can try something like incrementing a static member every time a class is created and decrementing it every time an instance is disposed. This will help you track down instances that are not be destroyed properly.


07-31 18:00