本文介绍了APScheduler 没有启动?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想在晚上运行一个 python 脚本,所以我想使用 APScheduler.我会在第二天晚上的凌晨 1 点开始运行它,它会每晚运行一次

I would like to run a python script during the night and so I was thinking of using APScheduler. I'll start running it at 1am of the following night and it will run once every night

我的调度程序脚本如下所示 (scheduler.py):

my scheduler script looks like this (scheduler.py):

from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time, date

def myScript():
    print "ok"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sched = Scheduler()
    startDate = datetime.combine(date.today() + timedelta(days=1),time(1))
    sched.add_interval_job(myScript, start_date = startDate, days=1)

在 shell 中,我这样做:python myScheduler.py &disown(我是远程运行的,所以我想在后台运行它并否认它.立即,该行下方出现一个数字 (PID),就像其他所有 Python 脚本一样.但是当我做 ps -e |grep python,那个数字不存在.我尝试执行 kill -9 PID 并且收到一条消息,说该作业不存在.

In the shell, I do:python myScheduler.py & disown (I'm running it remotely, so I want to run it in the background and disown it.Immediately, a number (PID) appears below the line, as every other python script would do. But when I do ps -e | grep python, that number is not there. I tried to do kill -9 PID and I got a message saying that the job does not exist.


Is the scheduler running? If yes, how can I stop it? if not, what am I doing wrong?


你必须在 sched.add_interval_job(myScript, start_date = startDate, days=1) 之后保持脚本运行,否则脚本结束并停止.添加一个

you have to keep the script running otherwise after the sched.add_interval_job(myScript, start_date = startDate, days=1), the script ends and stop.add a

import time

while True:


after, and then, the scheduler will still be alive.

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07-31 17:52