我安装了移动第一个插件的日食。是否可以使用ANT脚本构建和部署应用程序和适配器到移动第一台服务器?或者我是否需要独立的MobileFirst服务器安装(Mobile First with WAS liberty profile)来执行此操作?...
如果你有Eclipse和MobileFirst Studio,那么你不应该使用ANT来构建和部署 - 你有Eclipse UI。 / p>
除开发目的外,您不得将MobileFirst Studio用于其他任何目的。
确保您已购买MobileFirst平台,以便您可以将其部署到WAS / Liberty / Tomcat实例,然后您也可以使用Ant将工件部署到MobileFirst Server。
i have a eclipse with mobile first plugin installed. is it possible to build and deploy the app and adapters using ANT scripts to the mobile first server?..or do i need a standalone MobileFirst server installation(Mobile First with WAS liberty profile) to do this?..
If you have Eclipse with MobileFirst Studio, then you are not supposed to use ANT for building and deploying - you have the Eclipse UI for it.
You must not use the MobileFirst Studio for anything else other than development purposes.
Make sure you have bought MobileFirst Platform so that you could deploy it to a WAS/Liberty/Tomcat instance, where you can then also use Ant to deploy artifacts to the MobileFirst Server.
I suggest reading here: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/#SSHS8R_6.3.0/wl_welcome.html