



我已经使用AWS ubuntu计算机在jenkins中托管和运行了构建.我要在构建后的过程中生成构建后上载构建.

I have hosted and running builds in jenkins using AWS ubuntu machine. I want to upload the build once the build is generated in the post build process.


I added HockeyApp plugin in the jenkins and created an API token with full access after signing up in HockeyApp.


I entered the api token, mentioned Upload app and the file path.


I however get the below error and I am not sure where am I going wrong

Got unexpected response code from HockeyApp: 400
{"errors":{"credentials":["api token invalid"]}}
Build step 'Upload to HockeyApp' marked build as failure

我正在通过链接 https://appcenter.ms/settings/apitokens


您应该转到 HockeyApp应用令牌页面以创建API令牌,答案中的链接来自下一代HockeyApp的AppCenter.现在,这两个平台具有单独的API令牌,您应该在每个平台中使用相应的令牌.

You should go to HockeyApp App token page to create the API token, the link in your answer is from AppCenter, which is the next generation of HockeyApp. Now the two platforms have separate API tokens and you should use the corresponding token in each one.

HockeyApp和HockeyApp jenkins插件仍在工作,正如yash所说,HockeyApp将于11月16日关闭,请参阅其声明此处.我猜该插件会在那时退役,但现在仍然可以使用.

HockeyApp and HockeyApp jenkins plugin are still working, and as yash said above, HockeyApp is going to close on Nov.16, refer thier declaration here. I guess the plugin will retire at that time, but it's still working now.


07-31 17:22