



安装在fedora 16上的gcc是否可以交叉编译不同的CPU,例如SPARC?
我建立了一定的理解,需要一些专家纠正我,如果我错了。不同的操作系统因为访问内核所使用的系统调用或者它们所使用的内核而完全不同。它是否正确?不同的内核理解不同的系统调用访问底层硬件。二进制文件或可执行文件或程序只不过是一堆系统调用。因此每个操作系统都有自己的可执行文件。一个可执行文件意味着运行到窗口伤口不运行在linux上。通过交叉编译任何windown的可执行文件的源代码,我们可以为其他操作系统生成可执行文件。 word PLATFORM表示操作系统。 POSIX是用于类UNIX操作系统的特定设计标准。

Is it possible for gcc, installed on fedora 16, to cross compile for a different CPU, say SPARC?I have build a certain understanding, need some expert to correct me if I am wrong. Different operating systems differ by the system calls they use to access the kernel or entirely by the kernel they use. IS THIS CORRECT? different kernels understands different systems calls for accessing underlying hardware. binaries or executables or programs are nothing but a bunch of system calls only. therefore every OS has its own executable. an executable meant to run to on windows wound not run on linux. by cross compiling the source code of any windown's executable we can generate executable for other OSs. word PLATFORM means operating system. POSIX are certain design standards for UNIX-like OSs.we usually cross compile for different OSs. BUT can we cross compile for different hardware too? for example, in case of a microcontroller which does not have an OS?



No. You can't use native machine (x86) gcc for compiling program files for a different architecture. For that you require a cross-compiler-gcc that is specific to that processor architecture.


Your understanding about system calls for OS is correct. Each OS has its own set of system call which is been used by library. These libraries at the end will be translated into machine language for the processor.


Each Processor Architecture has its own set of instruction know as Instruction Set Architecture(ISA). So when a program written in high-level-language (like C) is compiled, it should be converted into machine language from its ISA. This job is done by the compiler(gcc). A compiler will be specific to only one processor architecture. For example gcc is for x86 processor. So if you want a compiler for different processor in you x86 machine you should go for a cross-compiler of that processor.


07-31 17:07