我正在尝试使用 Jenkins 中的发布 JUnit 测试结果报告",但无法将其用于我的 android 测试项目.我在 Jenkins 中的 android 测试项目的设置基于本指南:https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Building+an+Android+app+and+test+project
I'am trying to make use of the "Publish JUnit test result report" in Jenkins, but can't get it to work for my android test project.The setup of my android test project in Jenkins is based on this guide:https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Building+an+Android+app+and+test+project
我希望有人可以发布一个简单的分步指南,介绍如何从测试运行中获取 JUnit 测试结果报告,以便能够使用发布 JUnit 测试结果报告".想用这个功能是因为Jenkins中Junit测试的标准控制台输出不太方便.
I hope someone could post an easy step by step guide on how to get the JUnit test result reports out of the test run to being able to use "Publish JUnit test result report".Would like to use this feature because the standard console output of the Junit tests in Jenkins are not quite convenient.
I found some guides (not so many) on the Internet, but non of them worked for me.This is what I tried so far (with no success):
- 只需添加不带参数的发布 JUnit 测试结果报告"构建后操作
- 遵循本指南,该指南表明可以从设备/模拟器下载报告 ( http://blackriver.to/2012/08/android-continuous-integration-with-ant-and-jenkins-part-2-2/一个> )
- 然后本指南 (http://blog.cloudbees.com/2012/11/unit-test-results-code-coverage-and.html) 与之前的指南类似,但添加了一个自定义检测库
- 然后我在 junit 报告(http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/junitreport.html)上找到了这个用于 ant 的 API,但我完全不知道如何将它添加到我的 android 测试预计生成通过 android sdk
(Some links are not displayed correctly because cant post more then two links with my reputition.)
I just had to solve this problem for myself, this is how I got it working:
1.) 安装性能插件2.) 在项目设置中,添加一个新的构建后操作Publish JUnit-testresults"3.) 作为路径,添加/app/build/androidTest-results/connected/*.xml(路径可能与您的机器略有不同)
1.) Install the performance Plugin2.) In the project settings, add a new Post build action "Publish JUnit-testresults"3.) As path, add /app/build/androidTest-results/connected/*.xml (Path may be slightly different on your machine)
4.) 现在,在项目第一次运行后,您有一个新链接Last testresult",右侧是图形表示.
4.) Now, after the project ran the first time, you have a new Link "Last testresult" and on the right side a graphical representation.
这篇关于如何在 android 上为 jenkins 生成 JUnit 测试报告的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!