



代替使用 input type =file html标记,是否可以显示选择要上传的文件 input type =button?c $ c>对话框。然后,当从中选择一个文件时,选择要上传的文件对话框,文件路径将被插入到常规html input type =text 标记?

Instead of using an input type="file" html tag, is it possible to bring up a choose a file to upload dialog box by clicking a input type="button"? Then when a file is selected from the choose a file to upload dialog box, the file path gets inserted into a regular html input type="text" tag?

我好像gmail做了类似的事情,但没有按钮和文本输入,它们只是有一个链接添加文件或类似的东西。点击该链接时,它会显示选择要通过mail.google.com 对话框上传的文件。当文件被点击时,文件名会显示在屏幕上。

I've seem that gmail does something similar but not with buttons and text inputs, they simply have a link add file or something like that. When that link is clicked, it shows the select file(s) to upload by mail.google.com dialog box. When a file is clicked, the file name is shown on the screen.


How are they doing that?



I think most browsers have this locked down for security purposes. Buttons and text boxes can be manipulated via JavaScript. File input boxes cannot, and for good reason; imagine if a javascript could open a dialog, set the path to a sensitive file on your system, then simulate the button click to download the file!


By the way, if you are looking to style it, perhaps this would work: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/inputfile.html


07-31 16:37