


I have a 3D space (x, y, z) with an additional parameter at each point (energy), giving 4 dimensions of data in total.


I would like to find a set of x, y, z points which correspond to an iso-energy surface found by interpolating between the known points.


The spacial mesh has constant spacing and surrounds the iso-energy surface entirely, however, it does not occupy a cubic space (the mesh occupies a roughly cylindrical space)

速度不是关键,我可以离开这个数字捣弄了一会儿。虽然我编码的Python和NumPy的,我可以写的code在FORTRAN部分。我也可以包装现有的C / C ++ / Fortran库中在脚本中使用,如果这样的图书馆存在的。

Speed is not crucial, I can leave this number crunching for a while. Although I'm coding in Python and NumPy, I can write portions of the code in FORTRAN. I can also wrap existing C/C++/FORTRAN libraries for use in the scripts, if such libraries exist.


All examples and algorithms that I have so far found online (and in Numerical Recipes) stop short of 4D data.



There are quite a few options here...

为了让您的精力投入到你的网格,你需要使用某种形式的插值。 Shepard的方法是一种常见的,并且相当简单,方法来实现,并趋于工作得很好,如果你的数据分布是合理的。

In order to get your energy into your mesh, you'll need to use some form of interpolation. Shepard's method is a common, and reasonably simple, method to implement, and tends to work well if your data distribution is reasonable.


Once you have that done, you'll need to do some form of isosurface generation.

有一些图书馆在那里,使这个容易。最值得注意的是, VTK 包括Python包装,并拥有所有做这两个步骤所需的工具。

There are some libraries out there to make this easy. Most notably, VTK includes python wrappers and has all of the tools required to do both of these steps.

有关详细信息,如何可以在VTK来完成,你可以检查 vtkShepardMethod vtkContourFilter

For details on how this could be done in VTK, you can check vtkShepardMethod and vtkContourFilter.


09-05 11:02