

Axes只是我为表示轴而创建的JavaFX Box。

The Axes are just JavaFX Boxes that I created to represent the axes.

我如何标记轴?我已经尝试过使用JavaFX Label和Text对象,但它们只是以2D显示,但我可能错误地使用它们。是否有某种方法可以标记(例如沿轴排列数字1,2,3,4,5)这些轴是否为3D?

How would I label the axes? I've tried using JavaFX Label and Text objects but they just display in 2D, but I may be using them wrong. Is there some way to label (e.g. put the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 along the axes) these axes in 3D?



We've added a Floating Label example to fxyz3d.org... check out the sample:FloatingLabels.java


To generically manage 2D labels connected to a Point3D you need to do a transform along the following:

        Point3D coordinates = node.localToScene(javafx.geometry.Point3D.ZERO);
        SubScene oldSubScene = NodeHelper.getSubScene(node);
        coordinates = SceneUtils.subSceneToScene(oldSubScene, coordinates);
        double x = coordinates.getX();
        double y = coordinates.getY();
        label.getTransforms().setAll(new Translate(x, y));


There are other details you have to worry about like properly adding to the subscene and clipping but those are included in the example.


07-31 16:31