本文介绍了球体中心点和表面上 3 个点的半径的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以从表面上的 3 个点找到球心及其半径?

Is it possible to find he center of sphere and its radius from 3 points on the surface ?


I'm building a model for a segmented brain structure were the three points would be within the structure; head, tail and middle.




Express that the center of the sphere is equidistant to the three given points and coplanar with them (assuming that the three given points are on a great circle).

(X - Xa)² + (Y - Ya)² + (Z - Za)² = R²
(X - Xb)² + (Y - Yb)² + (Z - Zb)² = R²
(X - Xc)² + (Y - Yc)² + (Z - Zc)² = R²

|X  Y  Z  1|
|Xa Ya Za 1|
|Xb Yb Zb 1| = 0
|Xc Yc Zc 1|


Subtracting the first equation from the second and the third, you get rid of the quadratic terms.

(2X - Xb - Xa)(Xb - Xa) + (2Y - Yb - Ya)(Yb - Ya) + (2Z - Zb - Za)(Zb - Za) = 0
(2X - Xc - Xa)(Xc - Xa) + (2Y - Yc - Ya)(Yc - Ya) + (2Z - Zc - Za)(Zc - Za) = 0

现在你有一个简单的线性系统,包含 3 个未知数的 3 个方程.

Now you have an easy linear system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns.


For conciseness you can translate the three points so that Xa=Ya=Za=0, and the equations simplify as

|X  Y  Z |
|Xb Yb Zb| = 0
|Xc Yc Zc|

(2X - Xb) Xb + (2Y - Yb) Yb + (2Z - Zb) Zb = 0
(2X - Xc) Xc + (2Y - Yc) Yc + (2Z - Zc) Zc = 0

(Yb Zc - Yc Zb) X + (Zb Xc - Zc Xb) Y + (Xb Yc - Xc Yb) Z = 0
       2 Xb     X +        2 Yb     Y +        2 Zb     Z = Xb² + Yb² + Zb²
       2 Xc     X +        2 Yc     Y +        2 Zc     Z = Xc² + Yc² + Zc²

那么,R² = X² + Y² + Z²,别忘了翻译回来.

Then, R² = X² + Y² + Z², and don't forget to translate back.

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07-31 16:25