


I really like p5.js and react.js so i wondered how to combine these two together, and i was unable to do it so I need your help.I cant really provide you with some code samples because I have no clue how to start.


So what I want to do :1. create-react-app2.render a canvas using p5.js (i dont need the p5.dom and p5.sound)


需要做的第一件事是安装创建反应应用工具.一旦启动并运行p5.js和 react-p5-wrapper 程序包可以包括在内;假设正在使用像 npm 这样的软件包管理器,可以通过执行npm install p5 react-p5-wrapper并使用任何必要的标志来实现.

First thing that needs to be done is install the create-react-app tool. Once it's up and running the p5.js and the react-p5-wrapper packages can be included; assuming a package manager like npm is being used, this can be done by executing npm install p5 react-p5-wrapper with whatever flags are considered necessary.


The react-p5-wrapper is a wrapper component that receives a reference (instance mode) to the sketch and uses some of the react component "lifecycle methods" to manipulate it accordingly, mainly by executing a method called myCustomRedrawAccordingToNewPropsHandler(props) that needs to be defined within said sketch.

要尝试一下并使其运行,可以按如下所示修改 App.js 文件的内容:

To give it a try and see it running, the contents of the App.js file could be modified like this:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import P5Wrapper from 'react-p5-wrapper';
import sketch from './sketches/sketch';
import './App.css';

class App extends Component {
    this.state = {color:[Math.random()*255, Math.random()*255, Math.random()*255]};
    this.randomColor = this.randomColor.bind(this);

    this.setState({color:[Math.random()*255, Math.random()*255, Math.random()*255]}

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.randomColor}>Random Color</button>
        <P5Wrapper sketch={sketch} color={this.state.color}></P5Wrapper>

export default App;

sketch 是从另一个文件夹中的 sketch.js 导入的,在本例中为 sketches :

Where sketch is imported from sketch.js which is located in another folder, in this case called sketches:

export default function sketch(p){
    let canvas;

    p.setup = () => {
      canvas = p.createCanvas(300, 200);

    p.draw = () => {
      p.ellipse(150, 100, 100, 100);

    p.myCustomRedrawAccordingToNewPropsHandler = (newProps) => {
      if(canvas) //Make sure the canvas has been created


If everything is working, a button and a sketch should be on screen and every time the button is pressed the circle in the sketch changes colors randomly.


It should be noted that the myCustomRedrawAccordingToNewPropsHandler function is called in the componentDidMount and the componentWillReceiveProps "lifecycle methods" of the wrapper, the latter being currently classified as unsafe.


07-31 16:21