how do I trigger an svg animate element to begin animating via javascript with an arbitrary event ? I'm imagining something like begin="mySpecialEvent", then later I can send mySpecialEvent and the animation will start (or start again if it has already played).推荐答案这是一篇涵盖您需要的文章:'s an article that covers what you need:链接已删除.存档副本: link is removed. Archived copies:简而言之:使用 begin="indefine" 创建 以便它不会将动画视为在文档加载时开始.您可以通过 JavaScript 或原始 SVG 源执行此操作.Create the <animation> with begin="indefinite" so that it won't treat the animation as starting on document load. You can do this either via JavaScript or raw SVG source.调用 beginElement()SVGAnimationElement 实例( 元素)上的 a>.对于您的用例,当您准备好时,使用标准的 addEventListener() 回调来调用此方法,例如Call beginElement() on the SVGAnimationElement instance (the <animate> element) when you're ready for the animation to start. For your use case, use a standard addEventListener() callback to invoke this method when you're ready, e.g.myAnimationElement.addEventListener('mySpecialEvent',function(){ myAnimationElement.beginElement();},false); 这篇关于带事件的SVG触发动画的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-31 16:17