


I have a list of boundary coordinates for a polygon. I want to extract some interior points from this polygon based on some sort of grid spacing that I can choose.


from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint


This yields a simple square. However, we can imagine this square is actually a grid filled with an infinite number of points. For this example, let's say I want a list of points inside the square at 0.1 grid spacing. Is there a way to extract a list of these points?


For bonus points, how would we not only get the interior points, but also all of the boundary points at 0.1 grid spacing?


This question was mainly posed for non-rectangular shapes and has the purpose of finding points for shapes of counties/provinces/districts, etc. I just used a rectangle as a simple example. However, I accepted the proposed solution. Will give out upvotes to anyone who provides a more complex solution for non-rectangular objects


  • 关于内部点的提取,基于网格形状,可以通过简单的数学来完成,就像这样:
    • Regarding to the extraction of the interior points, based on a grid shape, it can be done with simple math, like so :
    • from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPoint
      from math import ceil
      # The setup
      pol = Polygon([(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)])
      cell_size = 0.1
      # Extract coordinates of the bounding box:
      minx, miny, maxx, maxy = pol.bounds
      # How many points in each dimension ?
      rows = int(ceil((maxy - miny) / cell_size))
      cols = int(ceil((maxx - minx) / cell_size))
      # Actually generate the points:
      pts = []
      x, y = minx, miny
      for countcols in range(cols):
          for countrows in range(rows):
              pts.append((x, y))
              y += cell_size
          x += cell_size
          y = miny
      # Create the MultiPoint from this list
      result_pts_interior = MultiPoint(pts)


      但是请注意,如果多边形不具有矩形形状,它还会生成位于多边形外部的点(然后应使用 pol.intersects(Point(x,y)),然后将其添加到列表中.

      But note that if the polygon does not have a rectangular shape, it will also generate points which will be outside the polygon (you should then test if they intersect the polygon with pol.intersects(Point(x, y)) before adding them to the list).

      • 关于提取边界点,可以使用整齐的LineString的 interpolate 方法来完成,就像这样:
      • Regarding to the extraction of boundary points, it can be done using the interpolate method of shapely LineStrings, like so :
      from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPoint
      import numpy as np
      # The setup
      pol = Polygon([(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)])
      distance_between_pts = 0.1
      boundary = pol.boundary # Boundary of polygon as a linestring
      boundary_length = boundary.length # Its length
      # Build a list of points spaced by 0.1 along this linestring:
      pts_boundary = [
          boundary.interpolate(n, False) for n
          in np.linspace(0, boundary_length, int(boundary_length / distance_between_pts) + 1)
      # Create the MultiPoint from this list
      result_pts_boundary = MultiPoint(pts_boundary)



08-11 02:17