






我强烈推荐Introduction to constructions,这是一本很好的基础指南.p>

基本上,您需要能够使用 可构造数 进行计算 - 要么是有理数,要么是有理数,或 a + b sqrt(c) 的形式,其中 a,b,c 是先前创建的(参见该 PDF 的第 6 页).这可以使用代数数据类型来完成(例如,Haskell 中的 data C = Rational Integer Integer | Root C C C,其中 Root a b c = a + b sqrt(c)).但是,我不知道如何使用该表示执行测试.


  • 可构造数是代数数的子集,因此您可以使用代数数.所有代数数都可以用以它们为根的多项式来表示.这些操作是可计算的,所以如果你用多项式 p 表示数字 a,用多项式 q (p(a) = q(b) = 0) 表示数字 b,那么就有可能找到一个多项式 r,使得 r(a+b) = 0.这是在一些 CAS 中完成的,例如 Mathematica,example.另见:计算代数数论 - 第 4 章

  • 使用 Tarski 的测试并表示数字.它很慢(双指数左右),但有效:) 示例:要表示 sqrt(2),请使用公式 x^2 - 2 &&x > 0.您可以在那里为线编写方程,检查点是否共线等.请参阅 一套逻辑程序,包括塔斯基的测试


I'd like to write a program that lets users draw points, lines, and circles as though with a straightedge and compass. Then I want to be able to answer the question, "are these three points collinear?" To answer correctly, I need to avoid rounding error when calculating the points.

Is this possible? How can I represent the points in memory?

(I looked into some unusual numeric libraries, but I didn't find anything that claimed to offer both exact arithmetic and exact comparisons that are guaranteed to terminate.)



I highly recommend Introduction to constructions, which is a good basic guide.

Basically you need to be able to compute with constructible numbers - numbers that are either rational, or of the form a + b sqrt(c) where a,b,c were previously created (see page 6 on that PDF). This could be done with algebraic data type (e.g. data C = Rational Integer Integer | Root C C C in Haskell, where Root a b c = a + b sqrt(c)). However, I don't know how to perform tests with that representation.

Two possible approaches are:

  • Constructible numbers are a subset of algebraic numbers, so you can use algebraic numbers.All algebraic numbers can be represented using polynomials of whose they are roots. The operations are computable, so if you represent a number a with polynomial p and b with polynomial q (p(a) = q(b) = 0), then it is possible to find a polynomial r such that r(a+b) = 0. This is done in some CASes like Mathematica, example. See also: Computional algebraic number theory - chapter 4

  • Use Tarski's test and represent numbers. It is slow (doubly exponential or so), but works :) Example: to represent sqrt(2), use the formula x^2 - 2 && x > 0. You can write equations for lines there, check if points are colinear etc. See A suite of logic programs, including Tarski's test

If you turn to computable numbers, then equality, colinearity etc. get undecidable.


07-31 16:10