在Cocos2D-x中,CCNode类提供了 skewX和 skewY让我对精灵进行了一些变形,但是,我未能在SpriteKit的SKNode中找到类似的映射。
In Cocos2D-x, CCNode class provides "skewX" & "skewY" to let me do some distortion of the sprite, however, I fail to find similar mapping in SKNode of SpriteKit.
My game uses Flash to port skeleton animations, in which the configs of positioning, scaling, rotation and shearing of sprites would be decomposed into game-engine's digestive. Except shearing, all other configs do have solutions to be done in SpriteKit.
SKNode doesn't have skew* properties. And SKShader allows to use only fragment shader. It means you can change the color of each pixel whatever you want, but you can't change the shape of a sprite.
So I recommend you to use Cocos2d-Swift, Cocos2d-x or so on instead of SpriteKit.
另一个选项是UIView。 。
Another option is UIView. You can use the matrix from Adobe Flash to UIView via CALayer transform.