本文介绍了如何绘制位图的部分通过Canvas DrawBitmap的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我有 :I have an : FrameLayout红色) 源ImageView(黑色) 带有OnTouchListener(橙色)的对象(imageview)通过对象与OnTouchListener,我想显示位图的一部分,填充在imageview(源imageview )。Via Object with OnTouchListener,i want to show a portion of bitmap,that are filled on imageview(source imageview).所以这不是一个问题,我这样做: Bitmap bt = Bitmap.createBitmap(sourceBitmap, event.getX(),event.getY(),250,250);So it's not a problem,i'm doing like this:Bitmap bt = Bitmap.createBitmap(sourceBitmap,event.getX(),event.getY(),250,250); 其中: SourceBitmap - 是添加到源ImageView的图片 event.getX() / event.getY()是一个坐标,我开始绘制位图的一部分 / strong>, 250 - 部分位图的大小(部分)。SourceBitmap - is an image that are added to source ImageViewevent.getX() / event.getY() is an coord,where i start to draw portion of bitmap250,250 - its an size of portion bitmap(part).,结果是:因此,当我的对象(带touchlistener)进入边框时,会出现问题(我已将橙色对象,与Object.width()/ 2)一起输出。So the problems occurs,when my object(with touchlistener),going to the border(i have made this possibility for orange object,to go out of border with Object.width()/2).所以在这种情况下: 如何实现结果: 其中结果为:So in this case:how can i achieve this result:where result of portion will be: 部分位图 第二部分是framelayout背景的颜色。 $ b b 我现在尝试的:What i tried at current moment:public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) { switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: //i want to draw bigger portion then corrds int CurrentX = (int)view.getX() - (view.getWidth()); int CurrentY = (int)view.getY() - (view.getHeight()); //case,when object is going out of border if(CurrentX <= 0) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setStyle( Style.FILL ); paint.setColor( Color.RED ); mBitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(sourceBitmap,(int)view.getX() + Math.abs(CurrentX),(int)view.getY(),250,250); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(mBitmap); canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap,new Rect((int)view.getX()+Math.abs(CurrentX), (int)view.getY(),250-Math.abs(CurrentX),250),new RectF(Math.abs(CurrentX), 0, 250,250),paint); } break; } return true;}}有任何建议吗?感谢!推荐答案由自己解决! 复杂,但结果相当不错。 这里我们去: case (当对象与OnTouchListener可以走出边界在X和Y轴),我已经邮政条件(某种法规)。Solved by myself!It was complicated,but result is pretty nice.Here we go:So for my case(when object with OnTouchListener can go out of border On X and Y axes),i've made Post Conditions(some kind of regulations). 宽度 = imageView 的宽度,其中我要显示结果。 高度 = imageView的高度显示结果;Width = Width of imageView,where i want to show result.Height = Height of imageView,where i want to show result; X_Coord ; 0 && Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 0&& Y_Coord Bitmap.Height 这是我们的顶部。 X_Coord ; 0 && Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 > 0&& Y_Coord Bitmap.Height 这是我们的中区。 X_Coord < 0 && Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 > 0&& Y_Coord > Bitmap.Height 这是我们的底部区域。X_Coord < 0 && Y_Coord - Height / 2 < 0 && Y_Coord < Bitmap.HeightThis is our Top Area.X_Coord < 0 && Y_Coord - Height / 2 > 0 && Y_Coord < Bitmap.HeightThis is our Middle Area.X_Coord < 0 && Y_Coord - Height / 2 > 0 && Y_Coord > Bitmap.HeightThis is our Bottom Area. RightSideRightSide X_Coord > Bitmap.Height && Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 > 0&& Y_Coord Bitmap.Height 这是我们的中区。 X_Coord > Bitmap.Height && Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 0&& Y_Coord Bitmap.Height 这是我们的顶部区域。 X_Coord > Bitmap.Height && Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 > 0&& Y_Coord > Bitmap.Height 这是我们的底部区域。X_Coord > Bitmap.Height && Y_Coord - Height / 2 > 0 && Y_Coord < Bitmap.HeightThis is our Middle Area.X_Coord > Bitmap.Height && Y_Coord - Height / 2 < 0 && Y_Coord < Bitmap.HeightThis is our Top Area.X_Coord > Bitmap.Height && Y_Coord - Height / 2 > 0 && Y_Coord > Bitmap.HeightThis is our Bottom Area. 标准(中间区域,不向左或右侧)Standart(Area of Middle,that are not going to Left or Right side) X_Coord - 宽度/ 2 > 0 & X_Coord < Bitmap.Width &&& Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 0&& Y_Coord Bitmap.Height 这是我们的顶部区域。 X_Coord - 宽度/ 2 > 0 & X_Coord < Bitmap.Width &&& Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 > 0&& Y_Coord > Bitmap.Height 这是我们的底部区域。 X_Coord - 宽度/ 2 > 0 & X_Coord < Bitmap.Width &&& Y_Coord - 高度/ 2 > 0&& Y_Coord Bitmap.Height 这是我们的中区。X_Coord - Width / 2 > 0 && X_Coord < Bitmap.Width && Y_Coord - Height / 2 < 0 && Y_Coord < Bitmap.HeightThis is our Top Area.X_Coord - Width / 2 > 0 && X_Coord < Bitmap.Width && Y_Coord - Height / 2 > 0 && Y_Coord > Bitmap.HeightThis is our Bottom Area.X_Coord - Width / 2 > 0 && X_Coord < Bitmap.Width && Y_Coord - Height / 2 > 0 && Y_Coord < Bitmap.HeightThis is our Middle Area. 所以通过这个条件,我在我的 MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE case。 让我们看一些例子:So via this "Conditions",i'm drawing portion of bitmap on my MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE case.Let's see some example:public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) { switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: int Width = ResultImgView.getWidth(); int Height = ResultImgView.getHeight(); //paint for our Red background Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setStyle( Style.FILL ); paint.setColor( Color.RED ); Bitmap mBitmap = null; Canvas canvas = null; //Our Condition if(view.getX() - Width / 2 >= SourceBitmap.getWidth() && view.getY() - Height / 2 > 0 && view.getY() + Height / 2 < SourceBitmap.getHeight()) { //Nice,we entered here. Seems that we're now located at RightSide at Middle position //So let's draw part of bitmap. //our margin for X coords int Difference = (int)((view.getX() - Width / 2 ) - SourceBitmap.getWidth(); //dont forget to put margin //BTW we're now took portion of bitmap mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(SourceBitmap, ((int)view.getX() - Width / 2) - Difference, (int)view.getY() - Height / 2, Width,Height); canvas = new Canvas(mBitmap); //draw rect canvas.drawRect(0,0,mBitmap.getWidth(),mBitmap.getHeight(),paint); //draw portion of bitmap canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap,new Rect(Difference, 0,mBitmap.getWidth(),mBitmap.getHeight()),new Rect(0,0,mBitmap.getWidth() - Difference,mBitmap.getHeight()),null); //and that's all! } //do the same for other condition....etc break;} return true;}享受! 这篇关于如何绘制位图的部分通过Canvas DrawBitmap的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-31 15:36