本文介绍了在同一代码库中有 2 个目标的完整/精简版 APP的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我开发了一个游戏并注册了一个名字(漂移者),现在我计划发布完整版和精简版,因为在精简版中,用户在获得 99 分后可以玩高达 99 分的游戏,我为完整版添加了游戏结束和商店按钮.借助 RAYWENDERLICH 教程 http://www.raywenderlich.com/68613/create-paid-lite-version-iphone-app(感谢 Dani Arnaout 的精彩教程)我在 xcode 中创建了 lite 版本目标,现在我在一个代码库中创建了 2 个目标(drifter 和drifterlite).这是将应用程序提交到 appstore 进行审核的最佳方式,我是否需要在 iTunes Connect 中为(DrifterLite)lite 版本或任何其他方式创建新应用程序.如果我以错误的方式进行,请指导我

I developed a game and registered a name as (drifter) now i am planning to release FULL and LITE versions as in lite version user can play the game upto 99points after scoring 99points i added gameover and store button for full version. With the help of RAYWENDERLICH tutorial http://www.raywenderlich.com/68613/create-paid-lite-version-iphone-app ( thanks Dani Arnaout for great tutorial) I created lite version target in xcode, now I made 2 targets (drifter and drifterlite )in one codebase.which is the best way to submit the app for review to appstore, do i need to create New App in itunes connect for (DrifterLite)lite version or anyother way.if im proceeding in wrong way please guide me


是的,您需要 App Store 中的两个应用.每个都有自己的名称和应用 ID(捆绑 ID).

Yes, you need two apps in the App Store. Each with its own name and app id (bundle id).

您必须在 Xcode 中创建两个应用程序并提交以供审核.

You will have to create two apps in Xcode and submit both for review.


The easier option is to have one app with in-app purchase. Then you just need one target and one app in the app store.


There are pros and cons to both approaches. You need to decide which is best for you and your app.

IAP 优点:一款应用.少工作.IAP 缺点:IAP 没有促销代码.免费应用获得更多差评,因为它们是免费的,任何白痴都可以下载和评论.

IAP Pros: One app. Less work.IAP Cons: No promo codes for IAP. Free apps get more bad reviews because they are free and any idiot can download and review.

2 应用优点:完整版的促销代码.完整(付费)版本往往有更好的评论2 应用缺点:构建和部署两个应用需要更多工作.

2 Apps Pros: Promo codes for full version. Full (paid) versions tend to have better reviews2 Apps Cons: More work building and deploying two apps.

这篇关于在同一代码库中有 2 个目标的完整/精简版 APP的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 11:12