




    on_door_open: |
      monster = spawn_monster(:goblin);
      monster.hostile = true;


class Frog
  include Scriptable

  def jump; ... ; end # this can be called from a script
  allow_scripting :jump

  def ribbit; ... ; end # this cannot be called from a script


  1. 使用Ruby脚本,但在某种类型的沙箱中.


    four options, but I'm not sure which is the best approach to take:

    1. Use Ruby scripting, but in a sandbox of some kind.

      Embed another scripting language, e.g. Lua.

      Pros: Ruby and Lua are C-based, so bindings should be reasonably simple. Lua is a reasonably popular language, so help available if I run into issues later. Secure, since any functionality I don't specifically bind will be unavailable from scripts.

      Cons: Existing Ruby-Lua bindings seem to be one-way, old and poorly maintained, or both. Seems a mite dodgy to embed a scripting language inside another scripting language.

    2. Implement a custom scripting language with Ruby interpreter. I've been experimenting with Treetop, and it shouldn't be too hard to make a simple grammar that would suffice for the scripts.

      Pros: No need to embed another language. Only functionality I've specifically implemented will be available to scripts.

      Cons: Overkill. "Not built here" syndrome. Probably horrible nest of bugs waiting to happen.

    3. Implement the data files entirely in Ruby, using a domain-specific language.

      Pros: Simple and easy.

      Cons: No user-created data is trustable.

    I am also open to other suggestions not on that list that I may not have thought of. What is the best solution to safely implement scripts embedded in data files?

    Edit 2011年12月23日: Added fourth option with DSL, added "addendum" at top with additional thoughts/context.


    You might consider using the Shikashi gem, which allows you to create sandboxes and define a whitelist of allowed method calls on individual objects.


08-21 13:01