



我正在将Extent Reports V3与硒/C#一起使用,而我刚刚升级到V4.以前,每次运行都会根据日期戳/类名称/时间戳给我一个独特的报告.但是,移至V4后,它始终将所有内容放在同一个名为索引"的文件和一个单独的名为仪表板"的文件下,该文件位于另一个文件的上方以进行导航.

I was using Extent Reports V3 with selenium / C# and I just upgraded to V4. Previously each run would give me a unique report based on the Date stamp / Class Name / Time stamp. However, after moving to V4, it always puts everything under the same file named "index" and a separate file named "dashboard" which is a file to sit above the other for navigation purposes.


Here is my code for starting the report:

    htmlReporter = new ExtentHtmlReporter($"C:\\Test-Results\\" + dateStamp + "\\" + TestClassName + " " + timeStamp + ".html");
    extent = new ExtentReports();
    extent.AddSystemInfo("Host Name", "Extent Framework");
    extent.AddSystemInfo("Environment", "Local Machine");
    extent.AddSystemInfo("User Name", "MyName");
    htmlReporter.LoadConfig(CurrentDirectory + "\\extent-config.xml");


Now, each time I run a test, it overwrites the existing Index file with the new test results rather than appending my current results OR giving me a unique index file. I can provide any additional information needed about how i'm starting the reports / creating the tests if needed but for now here is what lives in my test file:

    public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
        report.startReport("Report Name");

    public static void MyClassCleanup()

    public void MyTestInitialize()
        string name = TestContext.TestName;




It is enhanced feature of v4. To overcome it, We have to use ExtentV3HtmlReporter class in version 4. By using this class, We will be have Reports as we had. It will not override with index file. Also, There are many bugs get solved in V4. So things used same as version 4 report. You can compare both reports and you will be have your solution.


07-31 13:11